by toogie ( edited 26 May 2014 ) 17 Apr 2012

Grits and Giraffe-My grits file is old, and I didn't know about filing info. The Giraffe is recent, from fabric has a giraffe printed on it, but I don't believe it shows one in this band.Tried to match colors of fabric


by oaro 25 Apr 2012

nice gift

by gerryvb 18 Apr 2012


by designgirl 18 Apr 2012

Very cute.

by lidiad 18 Apr 2012

It's very nice! Hugs, Lidia

by teun 18 Apr 2012

Sieht sehr gut aus

by cj2sew 17 Apr 2012

That is great. GRITS can be boys too. Very cute.

by noah 17 Apr 2012

cute for sure hugs:):)

by capoodle 17 Apr 2012

This is sweet and your color matching perfect. Almost didn't notice that the saying spells Grits.

by keeponsewing 17 Apr 2012

Toogie another cute one. Love that fabric.... I have the series of GRITS too, not sure where I got them from, I need to get them back out and use them again....Is the fabric flannel or just cotton. Did you put any backing on them?

1 comment
toogie by toogie 17 Apr 2012

The fabric is cotton and I fold the diaper long edge, into backside at the seam that goes up and down.then I just stitch over the original stitching.I do this b/4 adding bands on each end.Another WalMart fabric