by terriweistra 03 Apr 2012

I am VERY upset!! My Yahoo account has been hacked and my Contacts 'stolen' My friends are receiving ridiculous emails from a ".ru" extension. Why do people feel the need to use their God given talents to do harm to others??????


by joann1 04 Apr 2012

It has happened to me in the passed. It's a mess so sorry you have to go though this.

by marjialexa Moderator 04 Apr 2012

So sorry for your mess!! Unfortunately, a lot of these things come in e-mails that people unwittingly open, then the program grabs your address book & sends mail to all your contacts that looks like it's from you, so they open it and it grabs THEIR address book and sends mails, etc. etc. This seems to happen on Yahoo a lot, someone will get into a group member's address book somehow & pretty soon everybody's getting crazy mail. I know I'm a spoil-sport, but that's why I don't accept 'forwards' into my e-mail program, my server deletes them before they can even get near my computer. Hope you get it sorted out soon. Hugs, Marji

by dilceia 03 Apr 2012

I am sorry for your trouble.

by blueeyedblonde 03 Apr 2012

I've had this happen not long ago and my daughter checked with me if I'd sent a particular email and when I said no, she said to get my password changed immed. and then I've had no problem since!

by marcellelewis 03 Apr 2012

You can help keep the hackers out by immediately changing your password and don't click the setting for your computer to remember it. It isn't that much trouble to type it in each time. The hackers have programs that troll our computers and grab our saved password files.

Sorry this happened to you. It is really a waste of precious embroidering time. :)


by pldc 03 Apr 2012

ah Terri that is such a big Pain in the butt, you have to share with all of your contacts & it is just a drag! I am sorry that you have to go through it! The same thing happened to a friend of mine & the person or persons who "hacked" hers asked me for $$$ with some big sob story of course! I asked other friends & found out it was her e-mail that was "hacked" uptil then I didn't have a clue!

by cfidl 03 Apr 2012

Bummer! I hate to ask this, I go there and was wondering if you go to or any other sites in Russia. We do not log in for the freebies though.

by rachap 03 Apr 2012

Sorry you have had this happen to you. I have had my address book hacked also and it is a nuiscense to everyone. Once they get your addresses it seems that they run it through about once a month-just fishing I guess. I change my password, do all the virus stuff but I think it is a case of closing the barn door after the horse has got out! For the time being I have quit downloading anything -period. Trying to limit exposure. Hope you find a solution.

by edithfarminer 03 Apr 2012

I have had this a couple of times and wonder if it comes from some of the free design sites we download from. Each time I have changed password, but like you say it is a bit embarassing to know your friends get this rubish.
I have found it is only Yahoo and not G-mail so far luckily.

by jrob Moderator 03 Apr 2012

Who knows what they are thinking....????

by pcteddyb 03 Apr 2012

Sorry this happened to you. Has happened to my sister twice and my dad twice. I don't get people either.

by pennifold 03 Apr 2012

I'm sorry someone has done this to you Terri. I too am at a loss to understand why these so called "hackers" can't put their talents to good use instead of doing bad things. Love and blessings Chris

1 comment
terriweistra by terriweistra 03 Apr 2012

Thank you Chris :) It will teach me to be more careful and to change my passwords often :)