by bkd147 13 May 2008

I am trying to do lettering on a tote. It has a pocket on it. Thats where the letter should be. Can anyone tell me how to make this happen. I have never tried this before.


by letvia 14 May 2008

I agree with Joanie and Diane. If the tote is not big enough you should take the stitches off and then stitch it on again. Flower and XoXo

by dianes030753 14 May 2008

yes, I agree with joaniessw...that was going to be my suggestion.
><> diane

by joaniessw 14 May 2008

I take my pockets off down the sides, unless too awkward, then take them off totally, do the embroidery and reposition and stitch back on. Hope that helps. *4U ><>

by katydid 14 May 2008

Good job girls. I usually don't work on totes, but my dealer showed me how to turn the bag wrong side out. Hoop the area you are working on and hold the back side up and away from machine. It only works if the bag opens up wide enough. You may have to rotate or stitch the design upsidedown. Good luck!!

by mops Moderator 14 May 2008

Looks like you got your answers, so I can only give you a flower.

by shirlener88 14 May 2008

Sounds like you have some answeres - so here is a flower for you. If not, then post a picture and more of a discription of help that you need. Good luck!

by shirleysisson 14 May 2008

It sounds like you will have to do some unpicking before you embroider and then sew it back together.

by adelmarie 14 May 2008

Here is a link that might help you out decide where to place your designs. Hope is helpful to you.

by glendasparris 13 May 2008

Is the bag already put together? I do all my embroidering before I put the bag together. If so, you could try taking the sides apart enough to get a hoop in place. If the lining is on the inside of the pocket, it won't matter if you embroidery thru it. Hope this will help.

1 comment
shirlener88 by shirlener88 26 Jul 2008

Glenda - where have you been? I have missed you!

by simplyrosie 13 May 2008

If the posts are still unclear, try uploading a photo of your tote... that way the girls can see exactly what your situation is. :-) Have a great evening bkd.

1 comment
jrob by jrob 14 May 2008

good idea!

by lbrow 13 May 2008

If the pkt is on the outside, like jrob says , loosen the pkt on each side leaving it sewn to tote at bottom then simply put pkt n hoop & embroider, whe letter is finished sew the pkt back on the tote, It would help us help u if u will tell us where the pkt is on the tote *4U dear

by jrob Moderator 13 May 2008

Are you saying the pocket is sewn inside the tote where you want to put the letter? OR are you saying there is lining inside the tote beneath the pocket? If the pocket is inside and that's where you want to put the letter and the other side is NOT workable, just sew the pocket shut with your monogram...If the tote is just lined underneath the pocket, take your seam ripper and take both sides loose, but not the bottom of the pocket. It will not matter on the inside if the lines show where your restitched the pocket down after embroidering it. Hope this makes sense to you...if not reask.;)

by clawton 13 May 2008

You can take the pocket off. Embroidery on the pocket and sew it back in place. I depends upon how the pocket is constructed as to how difficult the process will be.

1 comment
bkd147 by bkd147 13 May 2008

Thanks, I looked at it and it has lining over the pocket. Do you have any answers