by meganne 27 Mar 2012

Uganda Quilt.

I have finally finished my Quilt for Uganda, WOOHOO!!! I am very happy with the final result now if I can just get on to the next one, I'll be doubley happy.
Ray rigged up a makeshift hanger for the quilt so I could photograph it, and in keeping with his reputation, it is a VERY crooked hanger LOL!!! but it is better than nothing. :-)))
The second photo shows the label pocket on the back of the quilt, I made twisted cords out of sting to tie it closed.
Thanks for looking


by hightechgrammy 28 Mar 2012

Meganne - It is just beautiful and I love the colors you chose! It is stunning and some one in Uganda is going to be delighted with it! Just amazing! Thank you sew very much for all the extra detail you put into it, and for the love you sewed into every stitch! I can't wait to see it and feel it in person! God Bless YOU for this beautiful work of heart! hugs and more hugs, Jan

by de105 28 Mar 2012

Stunning colors and beautiful African lady designs. I love your label too! Very Nice job.

by meganne 28 Mar 2012

Thank you all for your lovely comments, they are a real boost to my quilting ambitions. :-)
Hugs n roses, Meganne

by drro 27 Mar 2012

Beautiful work! I just stitched out your label today...what a great designer you are! Thanks for sharing your talents with all of us!

by jrob Moderator 27 Mar 2012

I love everything about it!

by blueeyedblonde 27 Mar 2012

You did a lovely job!

by nonna57 27 Mar 2012

Meg this looks much better than on the table on Saturday, So glad you finished it. A treasure it shall be no doubt. Just got the binding to do on mine :)

by cfidl 27 Mar 2012

Love it! Love the peep's Love the colors! I am sure the next one will be as fab! Live Laugh Download Stitch!

by snowbird42 27 Mar 2012

meganne this is beautiful i would sy WOOHOO also...soozie

by lidiad 27 Mar 2012

It's a wonderful quilt, Meganne! Hugs, Lidia

by devon 27 Mar 2012

great job

by asterixsew Moderator 27 Mar 2012

Meganne this is beautiful. I just love your choice of colours

by clawton 27 Mar 2012

Very cute.

by lflanders 27 Mar 2012

You did a great job on this! The designs and material choices are perfect!

by justonlyme 27 Mar 2012

Very nice!!

by shirlener88 27 Mar 2012

wonderful colors and fabric choice - this is a lovely quilt.

by jayce 27 Mar 2012

Beautiful quilt Meg♥

by minicow 27 Mar 2012

How wonderful is this- well done my friend lots of hugs&sparkles from minicow

by bettytaylor 27 Mar 2012

Wow Meganne, one lucky little girl will be in her glory with this beautiful quilt and may she have many, many happy dreams. Simply BEAUTIFUL! Betty

by pennifold 27 Mar 2012

WOOHOO! indeed. I was down with Meg last Friday and saw it for real. So glad it is finished and it looks great Meg. Thanks for the SMS last night. Sorry I had Amy and Ophelie here for dinner and didn't get around to answering your message. Will chat later, love and blessings Chris

by shilly 27 Mar 2012

A wonderful quilt with wonderful colors!

by michemb 27 Mar 2012

Super job Meganne, the colors are so lively, they will love this.
You should be proud of this one,

by capoodle 27 Mar 2012

Gorgeous fabric and colors. The women with their baskets look amazing on the quilt.

by pldc 27 Mar 2012

warm & wonderful! Hugs & *** 4 all, Loralye

by dilceia 27 Mar 2012

You did a fantastic job with the colors! Very cheerful ... Congratulations Meg!

by lique 27 Mar 2012

What a beautiful quilt. Love the colours!

by momhome 27 Mar 2012

You did a great job. I love how the color pops.

by bumblebee 27 Mar 2012

Nice job. Hubby was kind too hang it for you.

by teun 27 Mar 2012

Ein wunderschöner Quilt

by mysew1325 27 Mar 2012

very nice job.. wow.. love the colors..

by basketkase 27 Mar 2012

Wow...this one is terrific, that pocket on the back...the kid who gets this will be really excited over that detail to hide little personal things in......great it!!

by oaro 27 Mar 2012

you made a beautiful Quilt with nice designs

by noah 27 Mar 2012

looks great to me so much enjoyment out of giving :):) hugs

by mops Moderator 27 Mar 2012

I love the fabric you used and the embroideries are beautiful. Very, very nice quilt!

by mad14kt 27 Mar 2012

LOVELY!!! ;D *2U

by meganne 27 Mar 2012

Don't forget you can click on the photo to open it in another page so you can zoom in.

meganne by meganne 27 Mar 2012

I forgot to add the size, it is 45 x 55 inches and the designs are from Julia's Needle Designs.

bumblebee by bumblebee 27 Mar 2012

Nice job.

bettytaylor by bettytaylor 27 Mar 2012

Nice label.

shirlener88 by shirlener88 27 Mar 2012

thanks for the additional info

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 28 Mar 2012

I LOVE these designs!!

by sdrise 27 Mar 2012

Very pretty! Nice job! Suzanne