by hightechgrammy 18 Mar 2012

Thanks for all your support! I can't believe how suddenly everything got so super busy here! Every day is like Christmas at the post office, as quilts and goodies are arriving! How wonderful this is opening these boxes and holding these quilts and other hand made items for the kids. I literally can feel the love pour out of the boxes. I am trying to make sure you get an email from me within a few hours letting you know your labor of love has arrived.

I know I'm behind in posting photos, I am going to try really hard to get some up this week. I'm just a little overwhelmed with the other parts of my life. I had to spend two whole days Running the Road to Denver and back, vet and training and Ben's emergency and doctors. Whew! I'm coming up for air. At least we are all healthy - LOL
We have decided to give this new black lab a go! She is working out fairly well with Ben, the cats and the parrots. It's taking lots of time to work her into Ben's life, the household and the training is going to be long to get her to where she can be an affective service dog. So Bia is now part an official part of our family! We've already started with the trainer, and the vet, and I ordered her new fancy harness! Even this new, and happy change is a stress for Ben.
I got my ULT2003 back - 3 weeks it took. She needed a new motor! OH my goodness. I'm sure glad I had the service policy. She also got a new needle face plate. I brought her home, and tried her out. I made a huge cat FSL without a glitch. I survived thanks to you all!
I feel much better telling you all this! Whew!
hugs and thanks for all your support with the Uganda project. Jan aka hightechgrammy aka bensmom


by airyfairy 19 Mar 2012

Great news that things are sorting out. Looking forward to seeing some pictures of all the goodies when you have time. Love and Hugs to you and Ben. Sarah.

by drro 18 Mar 2012

Hi Jan, Hang in there! God will provide the energy, the rest and the time! He always does. I am so happy to hear the puppy is working out so far. It always seems that everything either happens all at once or not at all! I wonder why;>) God Bless! ro

by devon 18 Mar 2012

I am so happy about all the help at you got. Wish I could had helped, maybe next time. DeVon