by babie 11 Mar 2012

Not a question. For the past 4 weeks I've been looking for fabric with word printed on it as I wanted to embroider flowers and birds in the corner for scatter cushions for our patio. I've been to every shop around and on the internet. Well I did not find any but look what I got today by accident>


by theduchess 08 Feb 2021

Walmart currently has this type of printed fabric with writing. However no embroidery on it. Would be easy to embroider designs though.

by asterixsew Moderator 22 Jan 2021

Please note that this is a rather old posting

by Lynnette3 22 Jan 2021

Hi There, Did you do the Protea embroidery on the cushions?

1 comment
asterixsew by asterixsew 22 Jan 2021

Hi and welcome. If you read below the cushions were already embroidered when purchased. If you are wanting to know if it’s possible to buy such designs put a post here under the Community tab

by alet1963tony 01 Dec 2019

The pattens say it is free but i cant download it

1 comment
crafter2243 by crafter2243 01 Dec 2019

This is not a pattern. It was posted in 2012 by a member that found exactly what she had planned as a project for purchase.

by grandmamek 11 Mar 2012

Oh how pretty they are. I wish they had something similiar in stores near me. Hugs, Mary

by sadp 11 Mar 2012

We must have same taste as I bought exactly the same at a large store near Cape Town. It has a bookholder embroiderd with protea as well, beautiful but pricey, hugs S*

babie by babie 11 Mar 2012

I actualy was in the store for something else when I saw them. Luckily my husband loved them even more than I did so he bought me enough for my front and back patios.

babie by babie 11 Mar 2012

I forgot I actually wanted to say I got the idea on one of the stores on who has a embroidered cushion - oh so new - named vintage postal cushion. That made me think of preprinted fabric with embroidery on it.

by devon 11 Mar 2012

You did a great job on all. DeVon

1 comment
babie by babie 11 Mar 2012

Hi Devon - can not take credit - no I did not do any of them I bought them. I could find the right fabric but this was exactly what I had in mind. Obviously mine would not have been so professional or beautiful.

by terriweistra 11 Mar 2012

Oh wow, these are just gorgeous!!!!

by bonnetgirl 11 Mar 2012

Oh my these are pretty. I could totaly use these.
Hugs Joann

by theduchess 11 Mar 2012

Beautiful!I could use these in my "Chicken Coop".(my name for my sewing shack.I have several antique chairs in it and these would be lovely.Lucky you found them.

by cfidl 11 Mar 2012

It is nice when things fall together like that! Live Laugh Shop Download Stitch!

by suelyn7 11 Mar 2012

They really are lovely bet they look awesome on your patio

by babie 11 Mar 2012

I found the cushions and the embroidery is so beautiful on it and much larger than what I could do - they are mega sized.