by jussyc 03 Mar 2012

A shout out to our USA Cuties, hope you are all safe and well. These Tornadoes look very scary. Huge hugs, Jussy


by jussyc 05 Mar 2012

I am so very sad to read that the miracle baby Angel Babcock who was found alive in a field after being blown away by tornadoes has passed away. RIP little one, Re united with your family.

by nanabs 04 Mar 2012

I live in Ohio and watched the weather channel for several hours wondering if we would get hit but it stayed below us. Our sky got very dark and had about 2 minutes of big lightning then some rain but that's all. Have to admit I was a bit scared. I'm so thankful it passed us by but my heart aches for all those affected by this. So many homes lost and too many lives lost. Now some areas that were hard hit may be getting snow. I'm praying for all of them. I can't imagine the pain they are going thru. Thanks Jussy.

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jussyc by jussyc 04 Mar 2012

I would have been so scared too nannabs. So glad your safe. Heart aches for those affected. Hope they find peace. Hugs for you.*

by leenova54 04 Mar 2012

Thank you, They hit Ohio now and them but I am lucky to not have ever been near one! I would be scared to death. Hugs to all those that are affected by them!

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jussyc by jussyc 04 Mar 2012

Hugs to you Debra *

by jussyc 04 Mar 2012

I just cant imagine living through these tornadoes. I caught the late news, they were interviewing a 70 yr old gentleman. He has lost everything he owned. My heart broke for him. :(

by joyce500 03 Mar 2012

We had a lot of storms last night. I just read that we had 20 deaths here in Ky. Lots of damage and loss of life in Ky, SE Ohio and Indiana. My family is ok. My grandson worked all night and still working today when I talked to my daughter. He works for the electric company. Lots of people without power. It is very early for tornados. Joyce

joyce500 by joyce500 03 Mar 2012

I meant to say SW Ohio.

jussyc by jussyc 04 Mar 2012

Stay stafe Joyce, Hugs *

by bnilla9241 03 Mar 2012

I live in NW Arkansas. The tornadoes have struck too close to home. Fortunately my family is fine.
Tornado "season" officially starts in May. However, the last couple of years they are striking not only in May, but December, January, etc. One fact is true, Tornadoes are UNPREDICTABLE!

Hugs, Bonnie

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jussyc by jussyc 04 Mar 2012

Hugs Bonny, glad your safe. *

by bnilla9241 03 Mar 2012

I live in North West Arkansas and several have come too close to our home. We have relatives whom were effected in several types of incidents. Thankfully no one has been hurt.
Where I am we have tornado sirens which give us at least 15-30 minutes advanced warning and usually all of the local TV stations will follow the storms before they can do damage, but,
tornadoes are unpredictable. We have had several near misses in the last few years. Officially tornado "season" begins in May. With this very unusual weather there seems to be no real "season".

Thank you for your concern.

Hugs, Bonnie

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jussyc by jussyc 04 Mar 2012

Bonnie, I cant imagine going through this. Glad you & your family are safe.

by bumblebee 03 Mar 2012

I was going to ask too because I was watching the news and I wondered if any cutie was in any of these tornado areas- They said 37 million people
over several states affected and several dead. Its
really terrible.

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jussyc by jussyc 03 Mar 2012

Hug for you :)

by 02kar Moderator 03 Mar 2012

I agree. We still have out home in Florida so I am always watching storms in the southeast. This latest group of storms have been deadly.

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jussyc by jussyc 03 Mar 2012

Hug for you :)

by suelyn7 03 Mar 2012

I have been watching the tv reports here in the uk and i too was very worried and concern for everybody caught up in these tornadoes. Please keep yourselves as safe as you can. Praying for you all

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jussyc by jussyc 03 Mar 2012

The Suns pictures looks like a warzone Sue. So sad.

by jacquipaul 03 Mar 2012

Thanks! The news this morning did look frightening. We were not hit in Virginia, but the tornadoes caused loss of life and lots of damage in middle America.
Please pray for those affected.

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jussyc by jussyc 03 Mar 2012

Very frightening Jacqueline, Maryville has been wiped of the map according to UK news. Many people have died and many are still missing. Huge hugs to those affected.