by sewfrenzie 30 Jan 2012

Desperartion makes me ask, what have you done to clear sinus's so you can sleep? I've done sinus flushes with no sucess, vicks vapor rub up the noes, with nothing but painful burning, Sipping hot tea, hot showers, just want to sleep, HELP!


by eggyannie 31 Jan 2012

well i am going to tell you what the others haven't
go and see your doctor and have him examine you. explain about the lack of sleep and then see what he has to say before starting on any over the counter drug.
by self medicating without knowing the cause, you could simply be masking a greater problem or even causeing one. you get one life do not take risks
annie in the uk

sewbadly by sewbadly 31 Jan 2012

No argument from me. However, the saline spray that was mentioned a number of times is the correct ph that already exists in your sinuses... it just adds some comfort and is not in any way a medicine.
Ditto on the cool mist humidifiers.
The comments that mentioned prescriptions were suggestions to discuss with her physician... options she could research prior to an appointment. No one can prescribe for her. Information is power.

sewbadly by sewbadly 31 Jan 2012

The comments that mentioned prescriptions were suggestions to discuss with her physician... options she could research prior to an appointment. No one can prescribe for her. Information is power.

by hightechgrammy 31 Jan 2012

What helps me is a combination of: Zyrtec, Singulair, and Mucinex. When I need it I also use those sinus rinses. I have asthma, so when I need to I use a rescue inhaler, but for most of the time, these work. I had the deviated septum surgery too. I live with cats and dust. Some sections in fabric stores really give me trouble too!

by barba 31 Jan 2012

My DH was told to use deep sea saline solution moisturizing nasal spray available over the counter (I believe is is saline made with sea salt). Has worked wonders for his sinusitis and has eliminated his nose bleeds. I know how miserable this can be, hope you find relief with at least one of the suggestions. Hugs

1 comment
starlizard by starlizard 31 Jan 2012

I was going to suggest a saline nasal spray, too. But Meganne's suggestion is worthy of a copy and paste to save for later.

by noah 31 Jan 2012

IS IT POSSIBIBLE to show a picturer or papper or a site i could copy this from .My hubby needs to try this badly ???thanks carolyn

by sewbadly 31 Jan 2012

Surgeries began in the 1980s. Many polyps and sinuses were removed. Windows and doors were opened. Allergy shots did not work, tried 3 allergists over 5 years. Elevated head of bed, cool mist humidifiers, hardwood flooring, no fragrance cleaning products... eating non-processed foods. Used the netti pot, prescription nose sprays and the ever-present saline spray. Cpap helps some. Finally, my very young ENT has me on a nasal nebulizer. I use an IV antibiotic, IV steroid and saline solution twice a day in the nasal nebulizer. Has made a world of difference... along with my other prescription therapies. The company that packages this is out of California. PM me, if you want the address.
Zinc is also helpful for sinuses.

by mad14kt 31 Jan 2012

Good question ;D *2U

by edithfarminer 31 Jan 2012

Interesting to read all these different solutions.
All I can say is that when hubby had problems we went to a top specialist in the UK and to our great amazement prescribed a sea spray that you can buy over the counter in your chemist. It has worked fantastic. wish you luck. Hugs edith

by bikermomfl 31 Jan 2012

I know this isn't a very popular method but since my nose stopped up at puberty and hasn't opened since (even with allergists and ear, nose and throat drs. I simply use a tiny squirt of 'Nasal Four' 3 or 4 times a day and I can breathe like a champ. No I'm not addicted either, so much of that is poppycock. For 3 months Zyrtec kept me clear but then right back to the spray. So I wouldn't have been clear for 3 months if I had been addicted to the spray. Anyway it allows me to breath, sleep and talk. Isn't it funny how many of use have this silly problem. Hmmmmmm maybe we're allergic to thread and fabric!!!!!!!! ROTFLMAO

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meganne by meganne 31 Jan 2012

OH NO, Not the fabric allergy, Heaven forbid.
Work, dust mite, dairy, horses, chocolates, perfume, soap, did I mention work, but never fabric, impossible! LOL!!!

by debswebster 31 Jan 2012

Well, I believe there is nothing like s*x to clear the sinus's LOL. But I know that this is the last thing on one's list when you are suffering. It does work though, you can feel the popping of the air being displaced and the relief is instant once that happens, and you can breathe freely.

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meganne by meganne 31 Jan 2012

I think Hubbies might agree with this one, Deb, but I'd rather have my headache. LOL!!!

by airyfairy 31 Jan 2012

I am afraid that I am no help at all as I have never had a sinus problem. I hope Diane that you will get some help from the Cuties around the world. Sarah

by meganne 31 Jan 2012

Well Cuties, I too have suffered as long as I can remember with Sinus and related problems caused by allergies. I had the surgery where they broke my nose and fixed a deviated septum, drained the sinuses etc. and I was good for a few years, but that was pre 1990 and I even developed an allergy to the splints put in my nose during the surgery.

So, I have tried every conceivable drug known to mankind but of course you develop an immunity to drugs used over a period of time and it gets to the point where you just suffer.
I saw Dr Oz get a sinus sufferer to use a Netti pot successfully, but I didn't have much success with it as all it did was cause my nose to run incessantly.

Then my chiropractor showed me how to clear my sinuses and accompanying headache, without drugs.

All it takes is to place one finger either side of your nose, just above the nostral, and, pressing firmly into the nasal bone move your fingers in an upward movement, pushing firmly the whole time.
Move your fingers in towards each other as they get to the bridge of your nose, and keep going until your fingers are just above your eyebrow bone (there is and indentation there you will feel) still pushing your fingers in firmly, continue in an outward arc above each eyebrow. It doesn't take long to do this.
Now repeat this procedure twice more.

Now here is the part you won't believe that works.
Just above your nose, above your eyebrows, where you can feel that indentation, take two fingers on your dominant hand and tap them sharply and firmly in that central indentation.

If you have done it properly you will shortly need to swallow and you should also feel instant relief and you can breathe through your nose.

You can do this as often as necessary but especially if you have a bad sinus headache.

I am indebted to my chiropractor for life, for showing me this simple but effective cure for sinus pain.

Good Luck.
hugs n roses (sweet smelling) Meganne

shirlener88 by shirlener88 31 Jan 2012

WOW, how amazing.

meganne by meganne 31 Jan 2012

I should have said to tap your fingers sharply to your forehead 2-3 times, not just once.
It really does work and it costs nothing!

debswebster by debswebster 31 Jan 2012

Great advise Meganne, I will put this to the test asap.

parkermom by parkermom 31 Jan 2012

I will definitely try this! Thank you for such clearly-worded directions

sewbadly by sewbadly 31 Jan 2012

I could not get any reaction from this... either I was doing it wrong or you need to have both frontal sinuses. Thanks for the suggestion.

by almag 31 Jan 2012

I expect this won't help but my lavender bushes are in their prime right now and I took a basket full of long-stemmed lavender heads to patchwork a couple of weeks ago and showed the ladies how to make lavender wands/bottles/baskets. As we were working, one lady who suffers terribly from sinus troubles suddenly announced that she could breathe!!, that her head was clear!! and that her nose wasn't running like a tap!! The lavender had performed a miracle on her and she was ecstatic.
I like lavender to help me calm down and sleep and I love the smell and feeling of olde worlde charm I get from handling it but I haven't really felt any 'goodness' in the sinus area that I can recall and I've had chronic sinus troubles since I was a tiny girl.
Actually, have you tried leaving a lavender sachet between your pillow and pillow case? That came up in the conversation following the delighted announcement during the lavender wand fun.

by ursula 31 Jan 2012

My sinuses have been so bad, the doctor told me I was deaf in one ear. (Age is a terrible burden!) What has helped me is a product called Nasonex. Don't know what it would be called is USA. I have to spray up each nostril X 2 every night, then put my head on the floor in front of myself for 1 minute, so it can run into the sinus area. It has taken a long time, but has finally helped. I also had very bad tinnitus, and this has almost disappeared. This has to go on for the rest of my life, and cannot be done irregularly. It is on prescription.

by justonlyme 31 Jan 2012

I have had a lifelong battle with sinus issues. I have had two surgeries and finally have some relief. Sometimes. But when I lay down, I still get stuffed up which causes me to snore. It is a vicious cycle. I have the same problem as you with decongestants. It isn't worth the health risk!!
There is a sinus spray that you can get that will reduce inflammation and clear congestion at the same time. It is wonderful. It makes the back of your throat feel kinda funky, but it WORKS. Here, it is a prescription, but some of these things are worth it! (I will have to go find the name of it if you are interested, but an ear, nose and throat doc would probably know too). I also have used ibuprofen to reduce inflammation.
Good luck. I hope you find something that helps!!!

by marcellelewis 30 Jan 2012

My husbands doctor had me get a cool air vaporizer which I run for a few hours a day to add moisture to the air inside. His sinus problem, nose bleeds and coughing have almost stopped. I have to keep the house so warm during the winter because of his anemia that it dries out the air too much.

Also try getting one of those wedges to sleep on. It doesn't have to be very thick at all. Just so it elevates your upper body some during sleep. The wedges really are great.

I hope you feel better soon.


by twee 30 Jan 2012

I too struggle with sinuses. I had the surgery too, and it only helped a couple years. Now I irrigate my sinuses regularly, (weekly, during the winter) with a saline solution I mix, that was given me by my sinus doctor. Then I use a prescription nasal solution daily. Lately I've been using essential oils that help a lot. If you pm me I can give you details.

by drro 30 Jan 2012

I keep a cold mister running at night 3-4 feet from me, with the direction of the opening pointing just below my head. It has helped a lot. This was my doctors advice. It is not a "remedy," but it keeps the membranes moist which is critical for keeping the sinus cavities working. Dr. Oz did a show on this not too long ago, you might be able to fiind it at his website listed below. He had a lot of great suggestions besides the irrigation methods.

drro by drro 30 Jan 2012

I also use lavender oil across all the facial sinus areas..forehead, under eyes, as well as under the nose and under the chin. This also helps. SO does Tiger Balm..when I have no relief from a stuffy head. Peppermint oil is also good on the back of the neck;>) I use a lot of herbal antihistamines...!

drro by drro 30 Jan 2012

neck. I too do not use antihistamines...

by lbrow 30 Jan 2012

Ask your chemist/pharmacist about an Antihistamine that does not have pseudoepinephrine in it. Tht's what makes your heart race. I have the same problem/Lillian

by aleene 30 Jan 2012

When I get desperate I take a Benadryl

sewfrenzie by sewfrenzie 30 Jan 2012

I can't take antihistamines, they made my heart race and then I can't sleep and it takes a few days before it clears out of my system. :(
I am caffine and other stimulatants sensitive. :(

teddybear117 by teddybear117 04 Feb 2012

Benadryl won't make your heart fact do not drive if you have taken it. It will put you to sleep

by lbrow 30 Jan 2012

Oh how I know how to sympathize, there is nothing I haven't tried. I have spent half of my life sleeping sitting up because I cannot breathe secondary to chronic sinusitis. You can try some OTC Antihistamines but usually I have to have a steroid shot for inflammation to help me. My ENT keeps telling me he needs to do surgery but I keep saying no. I do know ENTs can help you. I hope you can get relief./Lillian

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sewfrenzie by sewfrenzie 30 Jan 2012

I can't take antihistamines, they made my heart race and then I can't sleep and it takes a few days before it clears out of my system. :(
I am caffine and other stimulatants sensitive. :(

by cfidl 30 Jan 2012

Do you have a health food store around, I started with a mild herb called mullein. You can get it in capsules or bulk to make tea. There are many homepathic remedy's that may help you boost your immune system. Or try naturessunshine products, really good stuff!

by moyed 30 Jan 2012

I have sinus pain relief tablets I get from the chemist to help with my sinus problems.hugs Helen
This was sent to me as helpful hints. Dont know that it works.
Before you head to the drugstore for a high-priced inhaler filled with mysterious chemicals, try chewing on a couple of curiously strong Altoids peppermints. They'll clear up your stuffed nose.

by mysew1325 30 Jan 2012

I have been using Vicks or Metholium on the bottom of your feet, before you go to bed.. why this works I don't know.. but it does.. and if you have a sick child it works so well..

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sewfrenzie by sewfrenzie 30 Jan 2012

Oh darn, I knew I Missed something on my list that I've tryed already. Sitting here with greasy feet from vicks vapor rub, lol!