by mjjust2ofus 30 Dec 2011

Okay, of course since I am fairly new to embroidery, I took on a challenge that I goofed on :(

My grandson wanted his name put on his class jacket and he brought it to me to do. We downloaded the lettering, hooped the jacket and started the embroidery. We both left the room and when we returned he didn't like it. So I told him I would tear it out and letter it with another font, so here lies the problem, I'm not sure as to how to tear the stiches out? Is there a easy way to do it? I spent 4 hours just on one letter and my fingers are really sore this morning. I would truly appreciate any help!
Hugs, mj


by sewdeb 30 Dec 2011

So sorry this happened to you. "Been there, done that." I see the others have recommended the same ideas I would have given, but I just wanted to say sorry, I know how this feels. Hugs Deb

by jussyc 30 Dec 2011

I have used the Sideburn adapter on my chaps electric shaver on the back to remove stitches before successfully. Chap has no idea :D. Hope this helps, good luck.

by ramona 30 Dec 2011

Oh Wow! That is a shame. I don't know if this would have helped in this situation but are you able to print out your design/lettering before stitching it? Maybe that would of given him a different perspective of how it would look finished. It is strange how you think something is going to look great and then when it's finished it's not what you had in mind. I hope you are able to get out our stitches with the suggestions given. I feel bad for you. We have ALL been in that boat. Good luck going your way.

by sdrise 30 Dec 2011

It is easier to get it out from the wrong side. I use the peggy stitch eraser and it cuts the back threads so it comes out faster on the front. Please test the design first on a scrap anything. I use old towels or old demins etc.... After you become used to doing it you will not have to test so much. Better to ruin a rag than a jacket. Sorry this happened to you but it has happened to all of us when we started. So you are not alone. Plus if you are not sure ask here and we will all be happy to help you! Good luck! Suzanne

by leenova54 30 Dec 2011

So sorry that happened, it is so hard to remove stitches and since it is his jacket you can't just say, "Oh well, just for around the house" like I do. Good luck dear. Maybe the idea of using fabric to match his second color and make it out of the ordinary would be the best choice.

by theduchess 30 Dec 2011

Always TEST first But number 1 rule :NEVER leave the room.Gremlins will get it.

by michemb 30 Dec 2011

I recommend a magnifying glass, tweezers and a lot of patience,
Sorry this happened, good luck

1 comment
mjjust2ofus by mjjust2ofus 30 Dec 2011

Thank you, got to wait until my blister goes away.


by spendlove Moderator 30 Dec 2011

If you can't do it all is not lost! Embroider the name on a piece of similar fabric and applique it over the mess. If you can't find similar fabric, choose a contrast and make it a design feature!

mjjust2ofus by mjjust2ofus 30 Dec 2011

Great idea! Hope he will go fot it too.

Thank you so much and happy new year to you!

sewdeb by sewdeb 30 Dec 2011

Love your "lemonade from lemons" approach, Sue! Brilliant!

by mops Moderator 30 Dec 2011

Hard way to learn to test stitch before you do the article, not just for design faults but for taste as well!
I'm afraid there is not an easy way. I always try to get a seam ripper between the bobbin stitches and the stabiliser, which is fairly easy with satin stitches, but the tiny stitches are the hardest.
Good luck with the rest of your letters,hope they are easier than the first one!!

1 comment
mjjust2ofus by mjjust2ofus 30 Dec 2011

And of course these are the tiny stitches. Uggh!