by lbrow 09 May 2008

Do any of u cutes use the super jumbo magna hoop? What do u embr. with it? thinking of buying one but would like some input from people who use one. thanks


by libster2896 10 May 2008

Hello lbrow, I have a normal sized magna-hoop and used it for things that are too small, delicate or I don't want the indentations from the hoop. I also found it useful for embroidering the corners of face washers, where if I hooped the actual washer, the design would be in the middle instead of the corner. Tip, though, if you are doing ordinary or fine weight fabric, use something to fill the gap between the acrylic and the metal hoop bits, as otherwise the fabric tends to wander about. I found some non-slip jar lid grips, like the sort of thing that you use to grip lids that are really hard to remove, was good to fill the gap and keep the fabric steady. I hope this all makes sense. I have not tried the big hoop though.

1 comment
lbrow by lbrow 11 May 2008

thank U libster 4 your input. *4U

by shirlener88 10 May 2008

lbrow, I am just not sure what the super jumbo magna hoop is - but I work with a hoop that is 11 x 7.75 inches all the time. I have large designs that fit into it and I also can double up on some of my projects - within the same hoop, too. I hope that you decide if you want it and better yet - if you would use it. *4U

1 comment
lbrow by lbrow 11 May 2008

thanks shirlener *4U