by mehhouse 06 Nov 2011

I went to Joann Fabric's today for a big sale. Trying to figure out if I should tell DH I spent almost $100 or that I saved almost $300! :)


by asterixsew Moderator 08 Nov 2011

This has made me laugh. Women all over the world have been in this situation. Does your Dh have a hobby, doesnt he do the same? Look forward to hearing updates from you on this AND 'Good Luck' with whatever option you choose to inform or otherwise

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asterixsew by asterixsew 08 Nov 2011

You have reminded me of the time I ordered a dishwasher and omitted to let my husband know, it arrived before I expected it to do and he was the only one in when it came...

by theduchess 08 Nov 2011

I would not say a word!!!

by lindaavolio 08 Nov 2011

I was there also...bought WAY to much....
I don't like their receipts, it's very hard to figure out what each item cost. They also make alot of mistakes. (charged me $ for 2 yds but I only bought 1 yd) I wish things were simplier...
They were running a 30-40% sale plus I had a coupon for 25% off the total at the register...try to read that receipt....

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juanitadenney by juanitadenney 11 Nov 2011

I have to agree with you. I never leave the store until I have gone over the receipt because one out of every third time their's a mistake and I have it re done. Juanita

by blueeyedblonde 08 Nov 2011

Just tell him like you said in your other post on here - what you're making and for who. You could also ask him "don't you think those would be good gifts?" and then tell him how much you saved making the gifts even cheaper and then tell him how much you actually spent!

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darmoola by darmoola 08 Nov 2011

Great idea...

by dangelica 07 Nov 2011

Joann get's me every time.. My DH knows my line about saving and just asks what's the damage. Lol

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darmoola by darmoola 09 Nov 2011

Those coupons are great...and I can't let a good 50% coupon go to waste....:))))

by michele921 07 Nov 2011

I would have to say start out with how much you saved first too LOL I always do LOL makes it easier to hear the bill.

by almag 07 Nov 2011

Like Noah says - tell the truth.
Tell him you saved almost $300 today.
The rest will follow, of course, but first impressions are often lasting ones..... :}

by darmoola 07 Nov 2011

My usual response, "I've had this for a long time."....and I try to pay cash...:-)

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zoefzoef by zoefzoef 08 Nov 2011

hmm.. "I've had this for a long time".. I think this is a universal sentence; since I use it too :-)

by shirlener88 07 Nov 2011

Oh my!

by juanitadenney 07 Nov 2011

Sounds like you did great on the savings and just tell him how much you saved. Got lots and hon it was all on sale!!!!!

by bokkieborduur 07 Nov 2011

My mom used to say: A man should eat everything, BUT do not need to know everything. Love Marie

1 comment
zoefzoef by zoefzoef 08 Nov 2011

same saying we have in Flemish :-)

by cfidl 07 Nov 2011

Sounds like you got your immediate needs list at bargain prices! Gotta Love It! Live Laugh Download Stitch!

by airyfairy 07 Nov 2011

I think you are on your own here. You will know exactly what to tell DH. LOL. Sarah.

by crafter2243 Moderator 07 Nov 2011

Tell him how much you saved and all that you can make with that and how much that would cost if bought. My argument with my husband when he was alive was that it is either this bill or one for a psychiatrist. After while he didn't say anything more but came home and asked if I could make such or such for a friend as a gift.

by killiecrankie 06 Nov 2011

Tell him how many presents you will end up making out of all this fabric etc,eg 20 presents = $5.I know this logic stops any complaints from my husband

by noah 06 Nov 2011

Well i go by honesty is the best policy .I just tell him the first chance i get and let the chips fall

by hightechgrammy 06 Nov 2011

You sound just like me. I always try to make him think it was his idea in the first place - lol. I figure our hobby is much cheaper than playing golf!

by oaro 06 Nov 2011

I went to sewing club and i spend $100 i left my embroidery machine for check up and cleaning is $129 and for sure they going to find something extra.You got good saving Maria

by tilde01 06 Nov 2011

When he ask you about the bill, just tell him of all the savings and of all the gifts that you're making and that's even more savings.

by mehhouse 06 Nov 2011

I didn't have to sneak it in as he isn't home. It's the credit card bill he'll see. Granted he won't see it for almost a month. They were marking fabric on clearance and today was the last day of the 25% off your purchase coupon. I haven't spent that much in a long time at Joann. I just couldn't pass up the travel pillows for $2.97. I bought all 6 left and 3 kinds of soccer fabric to make covers for them. I'm going to gift them to friends of my daughters young children. They travel a lot - back and forth between San Diego and 29 Palms. There was some sweet Snoopy fabric (Flannel, fleece & cotton) on clearance and thought it would be cute sets for a baby. I needed more Warm & Natural and that was on sale. There was a new color of the Joann 'Minkee' in Turquoise. I had to get some of that. I make a lot of baby gifts with that stuff. Simplicity patterns on sale for $1 each. Throw in a couple of magazines and it just adds up!

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noah by noah 06 Nov 2011

Good deals:):)

by gg2009 06 Nov 2011

It's really how we all think alike ... you're on your own!!

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gg2009 by gg2009 06 Nov 2011

I meant to say "really scary" (oh well, is that spelled right???)

by greysewist Moderator 06 Nov 2011

'Oh, I've had that for ages', comes to mind!

by lilylady 06 Nov 2011

did that yesterday, was great. Have one camo quilt tied and ready to sew. Got some flannel cut up to sew back together tomorrow. love it LOL

by drro 06 Nov 2011

Good job!

by dlonnahawkins 06 Nov 2011

Wow - I don't think that I ever got that big of a savings there. LOL Good luck sneaking that in.