by edithfarminer 01 Nov 2011

Cuties I am sure you will be able to help me. I am going to make small gift bags for my grandsons wedding next year in England, one for all the lady guests. I will put on the initial of both the bride and the groom.

What letter comes first? What is correct?
I put the bride first as it is after the wedding but my daughter in law thought the groom. They are coming today to vist for a few days and would love your thoughts on this as I do need to get it right. Thanks in advance Hugs edith


by catsnhorses 01 Nov 2011

What a fun discussion, and I had to think about it. I guess I've always put the man's initial first, and didn't consider that it might not be the way to go. Boy, am I that old?? ;)

Do let us know what you decide on, Edith!
In friendship across the pond,
Marion in Kentucky USA

1 comment
edithfarminer by edithfarminer 01 Nov 2011

Thanks Marion, we are going to try to look further at the etiquet in the UK, see if we can find what they say.Thanks for your help, hugs edith

by mops Moderator 01 Nov 2011

Entwining would be the easy way out, but if you think your initials are better separate, I'd stitch the man's first.

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edithfarminer by edithfarminer 01 Nov 2011

It is C for bride and M for groom, so not easy entwined. Also hav enice free design for it , is better with letters each side of the heart, but thanks Mops for your input. Hugs edith

by airyfairy 01 Nov 2011

Unfortunately - it is the groom first.........

1 comment
edithfarminer by edithfarminer 01 Nov 2011

thanks hugs edith

by bokkieborduur 01 Nov 2011

I agree with Gerry the groom's name always first. Marie

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edithfarminer by edithfarminer 01 Nov 2011

thanks Marie, hugs edith

by nannynorfolk 01 Nov 2011

I would say the mans initial first, :) hugs

1 comment
edithfarminer by edithfarminer 01 Nov 2011

thanks hugs edith

by lyns 01 Nov 2011

Here in Aus and I guess in England, I was taught the ladies name comes first because we have a Queen. When there is a King at the Thrown then the man comes first. xx

1 comment
edithfarminer by edithfarminer 01 Nov 2011

thanks for your answer. Hugs edith

by gerryvb 01 Nov 2011

here in the Netherlands the name of the man comes first. Some people don't know that anymore, but it is tradition for a wedding: first the man's name and than the wife's.

nannynorfolk by nannynorfolk 01 Nov 2011

I agree gerry :)

edithfarminer by edithfarminer 01 Nov 2011

thank you both, hugs edith

mops by mops 01 Nov 2011

Yes, and before the wedding it's the other way round.

by moyed 01 Nov 2011 hope this helps.
You could entwine the initials, hugs Helen

edithfarminer by edithfarminer 01 Nov 2011

thanks Helen, the design is such that it is better each initial apart. thanks for the link too. Will check. Hugs edith

edithfarminer by edithfarminer 01 Nov 2011

What is interesting here is that in the Wikipedia it states that on linen it is the womans initial first. Now would a small bag come under that I wonder. Mightely confusing.

by sewemb 01 Nov 2011

I was taught that the man's initial/name always come first
ie Mr & Mrs

1 comment
edithfarminer by edithfarminer 01 Nov 2011

Thank you, started to think daughter in law was right