by sewinhuggs 08 Oct 2011

Can you believe grrrr.

The show I had plan on doing in about two weeks has been cancel. I had already sent in my information and check for it. They changed the date until sometime next month which I can't do because of my regular job. I had already started getting myself organize and even brought a new canopy which I plan to take back. I just told the lady to send me back my information and my check or I was going to put a stop payment on it. This is not how to run a craftshow, this bad business.
So I will keep on having fun stitching away and forget about everything else.


by shirlener88 08 Oct 2011

I am sure they will refund your check - that is too bad - don't stop working on things - there will be more places to get involved - this time of year - there are lots of them - of coarse - sometimes you have to be registered a year in advance. I think I would keep that canopy - for the next event - it might be worth having for a last minute event. I wished I could do that sort of thing - but not on my own - with no help from another - it is too much like work - setting up and tearing down and sitting there all day by yourself. Hehehe! I wish you luck - on the next event that comes your way.

sewinhuggs by sewinhuggs 09 Oct 2011

Thanks, I am till returning the canopy. I already had one but it takes two people to set it up. And my husband is working all of the time right now that is why I got a easlier one to put up. It would have been the first show that I would have done by myself. But I have been doing shows for years, so that is why I felt I could do this one by myself. As for applying a year in advance, I had been there, done that. So that is why this didn't suprise me when it fell thru. The fun of the shows is meeting the people, the no fun is setting up and taking down. I did recieve a email from her and and she is sending me my information back. Plus they will start doing one show a month and since it is so close to my house, I will check it out. In the meantime I will keep having fun designing and stitching out new items.Thanks

kkcogle by kkcogle 09 Oct 2011

Hey ladies...I set up two times each week by myself! And, if "I" can do both can, too! :) I do my two markets each week, from May till, well now, through they have extended our local Farmers Market by two more weeks! I can do some more "pep" talking...if you need to hear more! :)

by katydid 08 Oct 2011

This is the pits!!!! So sorry.

by patsy28 08 Oct 2011

So sorry that happened to you!

1 comment
sewinhuggs by sewinhuggs 08 Oct 2011

Thanks, but when you do craft shows sometimes this happens. Don't like it, but I will keep on stitching on.

by mnladyus 08 Oct 2011

If they changed the dates on you, you should get a refund. One thing I ALWAYS do is put on the bottom of my check. "Craft space for (dates of the show)". I also make a copy of the form and attach a copy of my check onto the form.

Keep working at your stuff, another show will come along and than you'll be ready. I don't know what area you are from, but lots of times the flee markets and farmers markets welcome you to set up also. I keep my van loaded all the time, so I can just pull in and set up if I see a market.

1 comment
sewinhuggs by sewinhuggs 08 Oct 2011

I always keep a copy of everything for my files even a copy of the check. As for the flea markets that is my next step.To find one close to were I live. Because in Texas you have to drive a long distance to get to one. Thanks