by colonies1 05 May 2008

How do you go about finding a design so you can help that person out? I've been looking for the bear to vote for it to help her out.


by lbrow 06 May 2008

colonies U received some excellent answs. r U clear on looking 4 a design now? If not please tell us & you'll receive more help. We aim to please. *4U

by freida 06 May 2008

Welcome to the group. Choose from the menu, then tags. Don't for get to look at the great projects folks have posted and their favorite bookmarks. There are a lot freebies and tutorials in that group. Enjoy

by shirlener88 05 May 2008

Hehehe! *4U

by dkjack 05 May 2008

Welcome colonies1. You were given great suggestions so a *4U.

by jrob Moderator 05 May 2008

You can also.1)go to designs from the top of this page. Click on tags: there is one titled bear and you can find the bear you are looking for or 2) at designs see the tab that says, Top in 24 Hours, click on it and usually if someone is asking for a certain design, it will show up there. ;)

by jrob Moderator 05 May 2008

or just click here.....

by shirleysisson 05 May 2008

It's so easy to get help from all these lovely ladies. *4U

by newipswich 05 May 2008

Hi colonies1, If the bear is the one that adelmarie is voting on, you can type (or copy/paste)
the address that she put in her question, into your
"location" bar at the top of your screen. Brings you right to the specific bear (it's so cute!) There
is a pink "vote" box at it's upper right. Hope this helps. Have a great day!