by shuede 11 Aug 2011

I'm planning a tea party for my daughter's 5th birthday. I know I could do just about anything and it would be cute, but I was just wondering if anyone had any great ideas to make it unique.


by justonlyme 13 Aug 2011

Tea parties and hats go great together. You could pick up some inexpensive hats, and then get some beads, fabric flowers, ribbon, and what ever else your imagination allows, and then have the kids decorate their own hats for the party. Then, after the decorating, they would wear their hats for the tea. And at the end of the party, the kids could take them home. A little adult supervision with low temperature hot glue and everything would be dry and secure in time for tea.
Or you might have the kids decorate the cookies or cupcakes or what ever dessert you serve before eating it. That was a big hit when my daughter was growing up. We did this again when she was a teenager, and it went over well then too. Just beware that kids find it very fascinating to EAT the food coloring to see what color their tongues and teeth turn. I used the paste color, and the kids ate the whole jar. But it wasn't toxic...just colorful. That was the second most memorable party we had. The first most memorable was when I found a dozen or so appliance boxes and taped them all together to make a curvy tunnel. We filled the rest of the room full of balloons and had a "Hamtaro" (hamster/Habitrail) party. All of the food was served on paper plates on the floor, and the kids ate like hamsters. That made it in to the school yearbooks for years thereafter.

drcindyl by drcindyl 13 Aug 2011

That is so funny. You are really creative!

shuede by shuede 28 Aug 2011

You sound like such a great, fun mom! I know your children have great memories!!

by sewmom 13 Aug 2011

When my kids were little we did a teddy bear tea party for one of the 5th birthdays. Everybody brought their favorite stuffed animal to the party. It was very cute. We used miniature Tupperware dishes for the tea party. the kids still remember it!

by aussiequilter 13 Aug 2011

We just got home from the birthday party ,Isabel it the Birthday girl in the black spotty dress. the kids had a wonderful time first they made their own place mat, the learnt how to make Pizza dough.They then iced 2 cup cakes each,the picture shows Annaleise the eldes GD wiht her creations.The they had a game of pass the parcle(the gifts inside included small tongs wodden spoons ,scrapers , and lip gloss) . the time to make the Pizza , the had lots of fun doing that, then my son put them into the oven to bake while the kids had a Piniata,After they had fun collecting all the goodies the came inisde to eat their pizzas.There was no food wasted.Oh somewere in there they made cookies too , they each took a bag home with their apron ,rolling pin, cup cakes cooies and candy.The last photo is the cake Isabel chose , my DIL was happy it was very easy choice this year.

1 comment
shuede by shuede 28 Aug 2011

Wow, sounds like the children had so much fun! Thanks for sharing your day!

by lbrow 12 Aug 2011

Get an old trunk, suitcase or box. Fill it with all kinds of old dress up clothes, hats, dresses, gloves, beads etc. They love to do this but you also need a mirror they can see themselves in. They love old formals & hats with feathers & veils & lots & lots of beads./Lillian

1 comment
shuede by shuede 12 Aug 2011

Great idea! Thanks ~ Denise

by misfit 12 Aug 2011

Was just looking at these and admiring them

shuede by shuede 12 Aug 2011

Those are really cute, although I have too much to make already and too little time. Thanks for the link! Denise

aussiequilter by aussiequilter 13 Aug 2011

they are so sweet

by smithandsmith 11 Aug 2011

Hats ! I just went to a tea party (baby shower) and we all wore hats. Some of them where beautiful and others funny. Look at pictures from the Royal wedding to get some great ideas.
hugs Lee

1 comment
shuede by shuede 11 Aug 2011

Lee, I am planning to try to make some fascinators. I thought it would be really cute to make several different ones. However, there will probably be about 12 girls, so they will have to be pretty simple. Some kind of hat, gloves, and "pearls." I bought beads for the girls to make their own necklaces. Thanks for your help! Denise

by debleerl 11 Aug 2011

We had a princess tea party for my GD's 3rd BD. Everyone came dressed up. My daughters and teen grandaughters wore their old prom dresses. My teen grandson wore a suit complete with a bubble pipe.

1 comment
shuede by shuede 11 Aug 2011

Sounds cute! I'm hoping the adults will wear hats! Thanks! Denise

by gerryb 11 Aug 2011

If you are talking about an actual tea party..drink, cookies, etc..a napkin with their name on it to take home would be nice. You could also do a placemat to match, depending on how many girls. A coaster for their cup of tea. Anything with a name or initial on it is usually a hit. Let us know what you do!!

1 comment
shuede by shuede 11 Aug 2011

Gerry, I do plan to do some embroidery to personalize, but the big decision is which design to use. I have so many, it's hard to choose! Thanks for your help! Denise

by alexgrandma 11 Aug 2011

Yummy Factory has a cute tea party set. I just bought it for my GD's.<br />Alexgrandma / Judy;productId=118

shuede by shuede 11 Aug 2011

Cute! Thanks for this idea. Denise

michele921 by michele921 12 Aug 2011

I bought this set too, have stitched out the tea bags spoons and a coaster, my GD loves haveing tea with her mom and her Bday is next week so this is one of her presents.

by aussiequilter 11 Aug 2011

My grand daughter Isabel , is having a bake and tea party on saturday for her 7 th birthday.I made little aprons for each of the girls (13) ,and my DIL has bought small rolling pins for each of them the girls will make and decorate some cookies then eat them along with other party food .The will get to take the aprons and rolling pins home with them as their party gifts

1 comment
shuede by shuede 11 Aug 2011

Very cute idea! You must have been very busy doing 13 aprons. Please post pictures if you can. Thanks for your help! Denise