by punky1015 07 Aug 2011

I've sent them 2 e-mails with no reply. There is no phone number to call to find out why it's taking so long. I realize it might be out of stock, but they should at least list it as out of stock so you know. Very frustrating!


by punky1015 08 Aug 2011

Thanks all for your answers. I did get a reply finally to my e-mail. They indicated that they had a personal emergency and so upgraded my shipping to priority 2 day. So apparently all is not lost. Thanks again and I will put the phone number down in case I need it next time. By the way, the live chat was not working all last week either. Maybe because of this emergency thing. Thanks again.

by bevintex 07 Aug 2011

Phone: (580) 366-5200

the store is in Ponca City Oklahoma. Here is the phone # but try the live chat first.

justonlyme by justonlyme 08 Aug 2011

Where did you find the phone number?? I searched high and low and found nothing except a fake number. Way cool. I'm putting this in my contacts for future reference!!! Thank you.

bevintex by bevintex 08 Aug 2011

They mentioned they have a retail store in Ponca City and I looked it up in the Ponca City phone directory. EZ

by justonlyme 07 Aug 2011

Wow, I hadn't realized that they had no contact information other than a PO box and live chat. I searched the WWW to see if I could find contact information for you. There is nothing. They even have a fake number on their business sites. I ordered through from World Weidner, and had my merchandise very quickly. I even recommended them because they were so fast and efficient. I hope that all turns out well for you. I would definitely get on live chat tomorrow and see where your merchandise is. I would be very interested in hearing the outcome here. If they haven't sent it yet, but you are still interested, cancel your order and re-order thru You have an extra layer of protection that way, because Amazon stands behind their merchants. Good luck!!!

by pcteddyb 07 Aug 2011

Not sure of the issue but I have order from them before and had really good luck. I did have a question on a product and I sent an e-mail and they did get back to me. I don't think they work weekends so I would see what happens tomorrow.

by bevintex 07 Aug 2011

Tomorrow you will be able to use the live chat to actually speak to a person. I have always had the best of luck with them and I know they will resolve it for you. Let us know what happens.

by sewinhuggs 07 Aug 2011

I also order stablizer over a week ago. But I did get a tracking number and it is in route to me as I type. If you go to their website and log in look under view order history, if it has been sent it will have a tracking number. other then emailing them like you did, I didn't see a phone number either. I wish you luck.

1 comment
punky1015 by punky1015 07 Aug 2011

Yes, I already did that - mine is showing payment received but no tracking number. Hopefully they will get one on there soon. At least I know I'm not alone.