by abbie 06 Aug 2011

I am going on a 4 day vacation. The hotel wants $10/day for internet access. Is it legal to solicit a buddy on this website to download designs for me? I'd be happy to return the favor.


by justonlyme 08 Aug 2011

Abbie, I think I have a solution for you if you haven't already found one that works. You have a PM.

by basketkase 07 Aug 2011

OMG, that is terrible......we were fortunate and had wifi at all our hotels.....but as all others have said, the fast foods usually have wifi....

by turtleowl 07 Aug 2011

When I don't have internet access I get my daughter to sign in with my log-in and download the files for me.

by killiecrankie 07 Aug 2011

Have you thought of buying a broadband USB stick internet?

by joann13100 06 Aug 2011

This happened to me last week when I was out of town on business. Fortunately, there was a McDonald's 1 block away from the hotel. So, I'd head over there each morning early before the meeting started and download all my daily letters. It was also a lot cheaper than eating the breakfast at the hotel.
You may want to check if they have free wi-fi in the lobby or lounge, even if they charge you for having it in the room, I found out during my stay that the wi-fi was free on the first floor lobby. You may want to call them and ask. I've even stayed at a hotel where you could get on the free wi-fi in the lobby, then carry your laptop to your room, and still get the free wi-fi, if the signal doesn't drop in the elevator. I didn't try doing it, but a coworker was able to get that to work.
I don't know why hotels charge for this anymore. Pretty much if I get to pick the hotel, I won't pick one that does not have free wi-fi or wired internet. It's become such a necessity anymore.

1 comment
hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 07 Aug 2011

Next thing is they will charge for TP!

by quilter124 06 Aug 2011

I just spent 2 weeks camping at a Tennessee state park and I got all of my designs by going to the local McD's in the 2 adjoining counties and it was fun. It was so hot we went at the hottest time of the day to get ice, ice cream for 50 cents a cone, and to let granddaughter play in the air conditioned play area.......didn't even take 15 minutes but we made it about 30 minutes each

by katydid 06 Aug 2011

I see you already have your answer. When I am traveling, I just pull into a major chain motel parking low and get on the Internet all the time. So many fast food places have free Internet also. Have fun and get your designs without paying $10 a day. Kay

by mpatterson 06 Aug 2011

When I travel, I use the library internet free or McDonalds. Hasn't been a problem. Good Luck, I hate missing part of an alphabet.

by sjbrower 06 Aug 2011

Most hotels have a business center that you can use. Take a thumb drive with you and you are all set.

by jofrog2000 06 Aug 2011

Check if there is a McDonald's close. Most of them have free internet, and there might be other places. We cannot download for each other, that would be sharing the design.
What kind of a hotel would have that kind of charge these days? The business people who stay there would surely have a problem with that and stay elsewhere.

1 comment
sewmom by sewmom 06 Aug 2011

My DH stayed at a hotel recently that not only charged him for internet but charged for my son's computer internet access too. So it was double charges even though they were in the same room.