by speckles 04 Aug 2011

looking for redwork cats with wings, kitty fairies or cat fairies


by marjialexa Moderator 04 Aug 2011

There's a set of cat fairies here, Cookie Cat Creations on Oregon Patch Works, as JustOnlyMe has said. I just had time to look for the site. She's having a sale right now, and there's a free redwork one on the page. These are really cute, she's done the wings with variegated thread. She also has some organza applique ones, and other cats in her collections. Good luck, hugs, Marji

by justonlyme 04 Aug 2011

Look at Oregon Patchwork, Cookie Creations. I don't know the exact location, so you may have to do a bit of browsing, but I got a freebie, exactly what you described from them. It is a redwork angel kitty. Tastefully done too. Good luck. If you cannot find it, let me know and I'll try to help you. I'm just swamped at the moment.