by kkcogle 22 Apr 2008

Looking for a design idea....more....


by kkcogle 22 Apr 2008

The little show that I'll be doing in a couple weeks is at our National Guard Armory. The show is being held along with a little party for the wifes of the guards who have been called for duty. I would like to donate one of my purses...but I'm at a loss for a design. Can any of you creative gals, think of a cute design to use...and maybe a short saying to go with it? The day is geared toward pampering...and several home party type people will be set up, example: Pampered Chef, who will demo cooking meals for 1 or 2...etc. It sounds like a fun day and next year, the organizer plans on expanding this show by leaps and bounds, as it has already gotten bigger this year than she expected. Anyways...think! What could I do? lol And...thanks, too!

shirlener88 by shirlener88 23 Apr 2008

Why don't you use some of the new redwork designs - along the line of the pampered chef and then use a cute saying with it - pamper yourself to some new recipe - friends are like chocolate chips in the great cookie of life - memories are to friendships what colors are to the sunset - the journey to a friend's house is never long - or along those lines. *4U

kkcogle by kkcogle 23 Apr 2008

That's an idea to consider. The armory had a big tank sitting in the front you can only imagine what I've been thinking...yep, a TANK on the front! lol I just didn't know if one of the wives would really like a purse with a tank....I also was thinking of something patriotic??? But I didn't want it looking too much like a July 4th design? You can see....I'm clueless right now, so throw anything at me! ha ha

by shirlener88 22 Apr 2008

Kim, I need more than this - Hehehe! *4U

1 comment
kkcogle by kkcogle 22 Apr 2008 took me forever to type tonight!