by elizabethak 17 Jul 2011

let them know.


by devon 21 Jul 2011

sending some prayers your way!!!

by sewensue 21 Jul 2011

I am speaking from my own experience with my mother please tell your sister she only has to be around the now son in law a short time to make a life time of memories with the GB and I know the daughter is so longing to speak to her mother but just does know how or if it is OK to make up I waited to late and my mother passed away Dec. I didn't get to tell her how much I loved her. Please tell your sister we daughters are stupid at time and you know how kids always know everything, but we are steel just kids at heart no matter how old we are
Hugs Sue Ohio

by anangel 21 Jul 2011

My prayers will be that the sister and daughter will reach out and make a connection. It only takes one to take that step. If I were the sister, it would be me, because a mother's love is endless. I know from experience in my own family, how much precious time is wasted over frivolous arguments and the need to be "right"! Life is to short to hold grudges! Each day estranged, is a day lost, and cannot be retrieved!
Ask your sister to be the "mature" one and reach out to the daughter. Children break our hearts, but we still love them. We cannot make someone respond to our reaching, but at least we feel better that we tried. When we love someone, it does not matter one iota, who is "right or wrong"! Tell them to quit wasting precious time with which they could be making wonderful memories together. All one has to invision is the other dying without making amends, and think of the pain of knowing not enough effort was made while she lived to get pass the pettiness! May their hearts be guided with these thoughts!

1 comment
marjialexa by marjialexa 21 Jul 2011

Well said!! I've had experience with people doing that "not speaking" thing, and it's just a dumb waste of time. Please encourage sis to make the first move, after having a falling out with the boyfriend, the daughter may not know how news of a baby would be received. Not to be judgmental, but at least they got married, which is more than some do nowadays, be grateful that the baby has a name, even if it's not the name she would have chosen. What's done is done, enjoy the coming of a new life in peace! Hugs, Marji

by mary51 18 Jul 2011

My prayers are for all your family.

by judybell 18 Jul 2011

I'm sorry things are not well with your sisters family. I will pray healing will take place in their relationship. Hugs, Judy

by 02kar Moderator 18 Jul 2011

How sad!.

by capoodle 18 Jul 2011

Whatever happened between them I pray they make a conscious effort to make peace with each other.

1 comment
elizabethak by elizabethak 18 Jul 2011

At this stage neither wants to budge to make the first move. I belong to a generation that no matter what my parents had first "right". My niece feels her folks need to make the first move.

by shirlener88 17 Jul 2011

Yes, of coarse dear one.