by drro 04 Jul 2011

Has anyone purchased the "Brother-color" thread from Sick for $1 /spool & how does the quality compare with other embroidery brands? Thanks!


by shilly 04 Jul 2011

Love the sheen and colors,which have a subtle gradation from shade to shade. No problems with quality which compares to other brands- some colors have thinner strands. The "trilobal" type thread has complementary colors and is slightly thicker but price point is much higher.

1 comment
drro by drro 05 Jul 2011

Thanks so much for your help!

by justonlyme 04 Jul 2011

I bought several boxes of both the Brother colors and their assortment. I LOVE it. I have several spools of Sulky that I had prior to getting an embroidery machine. I don't really like the way it stitches out in comparison. The thread has a nice sheen and stitches beautifully. It is my favorite of all thread brands!! And the price is absolutely unbeatable. It does not have a fastening mechanism on the spool itself, so you should get some of those fuzzy little hair elastics to hold the thread on the spool once it has been opened. I have not had any problems with the thread pooling or anything else. I have found that my machine likes the thread to be used on a thread stand to keep it from tangling around any of the spindles. It flows smoothly and you will have your full color spectrum. Be sure to look at the actual colors of the thread. The Brother colors collection are specifically made to go with the Disney designs. There are lots of "missing" colors for other designs (especially pinks and greens). That is why I bought both styles. I do not think you will be disappointed. The only down side is the cost of shipping, which is why I bought several. Multiples do not add much to the shipping cost, and it takes the pain out of the bottom line.

1 comment
drro by drro 05 Jul 2011

This is very helpful! Thanks so much for your help!!