by ruthie 16 Apr 2008

Okay *Cute* folks, the party is finally over, haha!!! My visitors have all gone off in search of greener pastures! <<< more >>>


by ruthie 18 Apr 2008

Thanks everyone for your very kind welcome back. That's what I like about all you people, it isn't possible to *disappear* without someone noticing, and sending out the cavalry to search, haha!!! When my daughter was in her teens she was the queen of impromptu parties - and she would have at least one every week, so I got well and truly used to multitudes decending on the house without warning! And I'm not sure what it is but nearly all my visitors stay longer than they planned, actually we kidnap them because we so love having people here and don't mind them dropping-in in the least. Hugs and flowers to you all, and it's sooo good to be back!

by dlonnahawkins 17 Apr 2008

Glad you're back, ruthie - we have missed you. And that was a houseful. So glad you didn't have all of them staying there!. Probably good to have your place to yourself now.

by simplyrosie 17 Apr 2008

Glad you're back Ruthie... jrob was having fits... lol... just kidding! xoxo

by clawton 17 Apr 2008

Welcome back, ruthie. We missed you. Sound like you were very busy but had a good time yourself. I know your guest did!!! How could they not have a good time with you, we do!!! Love your humor. Just think 8 new friends.

1 comment
clawton by clawton 17 Apr 2008

Sorry I'm so late to responding. It took a while this am to start through the questions. Needed to go do some work outside and just got back in and trying to finish catching up. Could pass up talking with you.

by shirlener88 17 Apr 2008

Ruthie, wow - what an adventure and you didn't leave home - well except to visit around town, which sounds like you needed to do that, too! Hehehe! Now you can rest and get back in the swing of things - it is always nice to have new friends and it does sound like it was all worth it, too! *4U We are happy you are back with us, too!

by mops Moderator 17 Apr 2008

Nice to have you back. Having visitors to me often means going to see the tourist things you recommended to others over the years and never visited yourself. I was born and raised in The Hague and to this day have never seen the Peace palace which Carnegie donated, even when I daily passed it on the way to school. I'm added to your bouquet.

1 comment
mops by mops 17 Apr 2008

added = adding, of course.

by raels011 17 Apr 2008

great to have you back I know what it is like to have the house back. I had 9 children and 6 adults here over a weekend and then 3 yr old grandson wouldn't go home so had hime for two weeks Hubby took him home yesterday Oh it is sooo quiet. Love to have them here but good to see them go tooLOL * 4 U

by joaniessw 16 Apr 2008

It is gr8 to have you back and see your wonderful smile again. We missed you. Just reading what you wrote makes me exhausted, but green with envy at the same time. You go have a glass of warm milk and rest. You have lots to catch up with. I will try to squeeze in a big fresh bouquet her for you sweetie.

by lorettag28 16 Apr 2008

ruthie, welcome back, I guess I was not the only one on AWOL. Hehehe! I am sure that you had more fun than me, and it sounds like you finally got around to seeing where you live, too. HaHa. Now, you will have to have some time to recoup. *4U, Loretta

1 comment
jrob by jrob 16 Apr 2008

Good, I was looking for you too. So happy to see that smiling face!;)

by jrob Moderator 16 Apr 2008

Ruthie, that is wonderful. You are so kind to take in strays. hahaha I know you had fun and they HAD to have fun being with you! Love you and soooooo glad you are back! Now I'm off to hunt for Loretta.;)

by marymoore 16 Apr 2008

welcome back ruthie you have been missed

by ruthie 16 Apr 2008

<<< more >>> My DH and I have the house to ourselves once more – and for some strange reason the house seems so much bigger than what it has felt for the last few days! Two of our visitors were friends that we had met fleetingly about 20 years ago, and we’d kept in touch but never met up again until now. So they decided to visit us and bring 8 friends with them!!! They are all convoy caravanning around the country, being retired or semi-retired now. Only the couple that we knew slept at our place, the others disappeared each night after supper, to a caravan park to sleep, returning to us for breakfast each day to plan that days activities. Can you believe they came for a couple of hours and stayed for a week - but we all had an absolutely fantastic time, and we have seen *every* tourist attraction within about 200km of home – honestly, I didn’t know there were so many places to see! And I am totally exhausted. But they were a terrific bunch of people and my DH and I have now renewed and strengthened our friendship with the couple that we already knew, and have the added bonus that we now have 8 more friends than what we did before. But I’m afraid it took all my energy to play the *perfect hostess*, haha, so I’m going to have to rest as much as possible for a while otherwise the CFS will catch up with me. I have missed you people soooo much, and it is soooo good to be back. I love all you beautiful people, hugs and flowers.