by mary51 15 Jun 2011

thank you for everthing, God bless you all.


by fannyfurkin 21 Jun 2011

Mary I have never lost someone so dear to me, but I do know how frustrating it is when people think that your children and siblings is a substitute for a partner. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

by mary51 21 Jun 2011

Sorry I have not been posted for days, I am with some freinds, Thank you all God bless you all!!!!

by beatie58 19 Jun 2011

Mary, time heals but it takes time! Talk helps too! Thinking of you! Hugs Sally

by airyfairy 19 Jun 2011

Hi Mary, so sorry that you are feeling so very lonely. My thoughts are with you at this time. Big hugs Sarah.

by mi30kaja 18 Jun 2011

Mary, You might not believe it now, but it does get easier as time goes by. Just hang on a moment and I will come over and we can go shopping. That always helps. Hugs.

by shirlener88 18 Jun 2011

i will be praying for you dear one.

by stitchship 17 Jun 2011

I can only imagine what you are going through, and I understand you. It has to be sooooo hard

I pray the Lord helps you. I send you a big hug. May He send you good friends to help you through this. Someone you can talk to and share your heart with.

We are here for you, as much as we can be. Hugs

by lbrow 17 Jun 2011

Mary if you can get your hands on a book called Widowed by Dr. Joyce Brothers. It would help you, she wrote it after sh her husband of many yrs. died. It helped me a lot when my husband died. she has written several books on grief & any of them would be of help to you. You should be able to find them in your local Library. I am thinking of you/Lillian

1 comment
mary51 by mary51 21 Jun 2011

Thank you!

by castelyn 17 Jun 2011

Mary, So sorry to hear your news.

Think of all the good times that you have had
with him.
I'm sure he is watching over you.
You are in my prayers.

Hugs Yvonne

by mariahail 17 Jun 2011

Caramba Mary, que pena, no me habia dado cuenta, te comprendo y se cuanto estaras sufriendo y lo triste que habra sido todo esto para ti. Lo siento inmensamente y quisiera que mis brazos fueran muy largos para llegar hasta a ti y abrazarte fuertemente y decirte que cuentas conmigo. Entiendo que tener una familia no es suficiente para reemplazar a tu querido esposo, pero si una razon mas para seguir viviendo. Mi hija me ha quitado a mis nietos sin ningun motivo, mi hijo vive lejos, yo estoy divorciada hace muchos anos, tuve que hacerlo aun sin querer, no tengo a nadie en el mundo y me siento muy sola por eso comprendo tu pena. Que Dios te acompane, te ayude y te de fuerzas de seguir adelante. Dios te bendiga. Abrazos.

by daisy530 17 Jun 2011

Dear Mary,
I'm so sorry you are feeling so blue. Nothing I can say will change that. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Daisy

by jerrib 16 Jun 2011

He will always be with you. You will feel his love touch you in so many ways. I know not physically, but he will be there with you all the way, until you meet again.

by clawton 16 Jun 2011

My thoughts are with you. Time may make it easier but I don't think the missing him will totally go away. We just start to zero in on the special moments more. I think it is ok to miss him!

by mary51 16 Jun 2011


by devon 15 Jun 2011

Sending some hugs your way.

by capoodle 15 Jun 2011

Your life has changed and it is OK to grief and remember the one you have loved for many years. Make sure you are taking good care of yourself and do something you have always wanted to do for yourself but couldn't. Blessings and a Big Hug!

by oaro 15 Jun 2011

Good well help your healing .

by muflotex 15 Jun 2011

hugs and memories

by crafter2243 Moderator 15 Jun 2011

Big Hug.

by jrob Moderator 15 Jun 2011

Dear Mary, Only time will give you the healing that you desire. I find that I can distract myself when I feel lonely, by finding someone else I can do something for. Just a suggestion, that works for me. May God send you healing and joy very soon.

by 02kar Moderator 15 Jun 2011

Mary, I am so sorry. Your entire life has been changed in the passing of a moment. I know the house seems big and empty right now. And your schedule is totaly changed. It is awful to cook and clean for just yourself. But hang in there. Seek out grief counseling if you need to. We want you to get healthy again. Time will help and we are always here for you. Keep on talking to us. Too many of the Cute family are in the same boat and will be helpful.

by judybell 15 Jun 2011

Mary, I'm so sorry you having to go through all the saddness that follows losing a loved one. I can't know how you truly feel since I still have my DH, but being in the ministry we see all the heart ache of those who have lost their spouses or other loved ones. Take one day at a time and trust that God will see you through each day. It takes time to adjust to such a great lose. Stay busy and try to remember all the wonderful times you had with your DH. God bless you. Hugs, Judy

by anangel 15 Jun 2011

True, you may not have him physically near you, but you
have him close each day with all the wonderful memories! These are what sustain us, when we lose a loved one. Staying busy with activities and other people will help
fill the void, but it does not stop the grieving. It is too soon; you are still working through your grief and loss. One never gets past missing someone so dear, but, each day you focus on the happy life he wants you to live, you will gain acceptance, peace, contentment, and strength to move forward. It takes time, but, you WILL get to that point!
Hang in there! My prayers are with you for each day to get a bit better, and I have faith they will! Smile! He's watching, and wants you to do just that!!

1 comment
mary51 by mary51 15 Jun 2011

Thank you! Thank you!