by drro 28 May 2011

who is lying lazily on our porch, and has her pretty blue eyes on a butterfly alighting upon an Echinacea flower. She wishes she was outside with them! Too bad for her..there will be no chasing or leaping about and no chance of catching that pretty flying object this time! She will have to satisfy herself with a perch that affords her a great view and enjoy later on her naptime dreams of a life in the big outdoors! She gets plenty of flight or fight-hasty-chase and raucaus-roll-n-rumble-time with her Tabby housemate-brothers, Max, Boots and India!


by 02kar Moderator 28 May 2011

Cute as can be.

by shirlener88 28 May 2011

That's great - thanks for giving info on the picture.

1 comment
drro by drro 28 May 2011

You are welcome! I talk or write for my cats all the time. I wonder if others do this? I have one cat that has been writing our Christmas Chronicle for as long as he has lived with us. He is quite an author! lol! :>)