by manami 19 May 2011

It seems to be a bad internet connection. The site has been very busy lately, and this also contributes to a bad connection. I'm seriously thinking in quit or only give a monthly free design, so to not overload the site.

I don't know what else I can do, so I apologize for the inconvenience, and ask for your understand and patience.
Love and hugs,


by adavisx3 19 May 2011

I have never had a problem with your website. It has alway performed flawlessly. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful designs. If you have to change to avoid problems we will understand and be greatful that you are still willing to be so generous. Thank you so much. -- Aileen

1 comment
manami by manami 20 May 2011

Aileen, thank you for your comment.

by pldc 19 May 2011

Dear Dear Yoriko: thank you for your generosity & just to let you know I just went to dl the daisy (not collecting but did it to check) & it was perfectly fine! no problem @ all!

1 comment
manami by manami 20 May 2011

Pldc, thank you for your comment.

by lindaavolio 19 May 2011

Hi Yoriko....
I never have a problem on your site...I go through Verizon FIOS and it's quick and easy.
Thanks for a wonderful website and your generosity.

1 comment
manami by manami 20 May 2011

Linda, thank you for your comment.

by noah 19 May 2011

I have never ever had a problem in all these years not one soooooooooooo keep calm as it all falls into place .You can do it you always do love and hugs and big prayers!!!carolyn

1 comment
manami by manami 20 May 2011

Carolyn, thank you for your comment.

by crafter2243 Moderator 19 May 2011

I have no problems at all. Maybe it is the time I log on. I too use Mozilla. Yoriko maybe it is only now because of the membership. Once most of the membership owners have downloaded your wonderful designs it may settle down. I am sure it will work itself out. THANK YOU for your wonderful site. I am sure we all will be patient rather than having you quit.

1 comment
manami by manami 20 May 2011

Angie, thank you for your comment.

by babsie 19 May 2011

Dear Yoriko, Please do not feel bad. I do have a problem but it is not your fault. I put the design in the cart and checkout immediately, but while checking out it start getting slow and then after a while the "timeout" comes up and it says it cannot connect to the site. I refresh but the same thing happens. I usually go to all the sites at about 19h00 South African time. Maybe I should try it later, will do that and see what happens. I have broadband so the connection is fast. Hugs

1 comment
manami by manami 20 May 2011

Dear Babsie, thank you for your comment.
It seems connection with South Africa is the main problem.

by mariahail 19 May 2011

I don't have any problems, and this daisy font is so beautiful thanks for been so generous...hugs and blessings.

manami by manami 20 May 2011

Maria, thank you for your comment.

manami by manami 20 May 2011

Maria, thank you for your comment.

by gerryb 19 May 2011

I have comcast & don't have any problem. It's slow loading here on cute, but not your site. Tks for the designs you share with us!!!!!

1 comment
manami by manami 20 May 2011

Gerry, thank you for your comment.

by peggy 19 May 2011

the only time I have a problem is when I fail to complete the checkout process and confirm. always my fault, not the site

1 comment
manami by manami 20 May 2011

Peggy, thank you for your comment.

by queenofhearts 19 May 2011

I love your designs.The only time I don't get your designs is when I put them in the cart and then get distracted and forget to check out. So that is my own fault. When the internet is very busy I wait for awhile and then try again.

1 comment
manami by manami 20 May 2011

Queenofhearts, thank you for your comment.

by sewmom 19 May 2011

Perhaps we should ask who the provider is for the people having problems?
I get through very quickly without a problem at all. I use Comcast and Mozilla Firefox.

1 comment
manami by manami 20 May 2011

Sewmom, thank you for your comment. I did asked the provider/hosting, and they answered saying it seems to be an internet connection problem.

by maryanns66 19 May 2011

My dear sister, Yoriko,
Please don't be frustrated. Everyone will be patient and everything will soon be okay. I don't have any problems downloading the designs from the membership you so generously offered everyone!! I have been thinking about you each time I stitch your lovely designs!!! They are soooooo beautiful and your digitizing skills are excellent!!!
Thank you for everything you do!!!
Love and hugs,
Your sister!!! And lots of *4U :-)

1 comment
manami by manami 20 May 2011

Dear sister Maryann, thank you for your comment.

by tilde01 19 May 2011

Yoriko, the bad internet connections is not your fault. It is the fault of the provider. Every time I go to your site, I have absolutely no problems. It seems like recently, I'm been having problems on here with the cute site in trying to download items, but no where else. So, please don't think it is you, IT ISN"T. I also want to thank you for all of the freebies that you give to everyone one. That is very kind of you.

1 comment
manami by manami 20 May 2011

Tilde, thank you for your comment.

by tamtam 19 May 2011

Dear Yoriko, I have not had any problems downloading from your site, whether I was purchasing, or getting the free design. Some people are just impatient, & exasperating. I love your designs, love downloading the daily (I hope you won't stop the daily), but you do what you have to do, for your health, & mental health. Anyone who complains about free designs, needs to reevaluate themselves, its their problem, not yours. *4U Tammy

1 comment
manami by manami 20 May 2011

Tammy, thank you for your comment.

by lflanders 19 May 2011

I have never had any problems at your site! When I miss a letter, it is my own fault. I love your designs. If you are doing all you can do and others complain, it is clearly understood that it is not your fault. I am sure most all can understand that! Internet problems have been the complaint of the day since the beginning of computers. Some things are just out of your reach! You can not fix others problems! You do what you think is best for you! Once it is out of your hands, please stop worrying. I just missed one of your letters and made a comment at Cute. I was reminded thet my health was much more important than missing a letter! I have been ordered to stay off the computer as much as possible. The swelling in my legs and feet has gotten out of hand! The last visit I was told that if I did not get it well as quickly as possible I stood a huge chance of losing it. I was also told that and open would could easily cause cancer. Considering the risk of sitting at the computer for long periods at the time, I have decided to cut my time back alot! I love this site and all of the members are just great but my life is more important to me. I will only be here for short periods at the time until which time my leg heals! Some things you can not control! If it is something that you can not control, try not to worry. It is just wasted time and alot of worry for nothing! Hugs and many blessings, Linda

1 comment
manami by manami 20 May 2011

Dear Linda, thank you for your comment.
My prayers for you my friend.

by turtleowl 19 May 2011

I have never had a problem with mygardened and I love Yoriko's designs. I am still feeling excited with the membership (just want to wiggle out of my skin) and I suspect some of the problem may be membership people collecting designs and making the site unusually busy. This should settle soon as people get the designs they want with the membership and only have new designs to purchase. Keeping the free design available for 2 days might help.As far as people not being able to log in the only problem I have had is incorrectly entering e-mail or password. Your site is very particular and you have to be precise and enter the e-mail exactly as registered remembering it is case sensitive. I have asked my daughter to buy a design for me when I was traveling and she was unable to log in and we found she wasn't using caps where I do.

manami by manami 20 May 2011

It is a good idea, I mean leave the design available for 2 days. Thank you for your comment.

manami by manami 20 May 2011

It is a good idea, I mean leave the design available for 2 days. Thank you for your comment.

by mad14kt 19 May 2011

Yoriko, it's no problem, things happen. It's a pleasure in your generous encouraged! ;D *2U

1 comment
manami by manami 20 May 2011

Monica, thank you for your comment.

by pcteddyb 19 May 2011

I have had no problems accessing or downloading from your site. Understand if you must make a change to your freebies. LOVE your work!

1 comment
manami by manami 20 May 2011

Pcteddyb, thank you for your comment.

by trovato 19 May 2011

Dear Yoriko, As long as I'm downloading I never missed a letter of your site unless I forgot it myself. I have never problems with your sit not in the morning or evening. So if the connection is bad it is not your fault. For two weeks when I was in France it took me 3 hours for a connection with Stitchery Mall before I could download a letter there and I could not get in the Yahou. Sorry for my letters but I could get with patiance the cute site and there letters. So make a long story short. It is not you, it is the connection.
Love and hugs, Yvonne

1 comment
manami by manami 20 May 2011

Yvonne, thank you for your comment.

by lindalee757 19 May 2011

I love your daisy alpha that you are running at the present time-great design. I don't have any problem downloading the designs, as long as I remember to log in first, that is lol. The only problem I have is that somehow or another, I missed the letter H-grrrrrr-so angry with myself-now I guess I will have to spend $3 for the single letter-how on earth did I miss it-I swear I checked in daily??? Oh well,love your site Yoriko ~linda~

1 comment
manami by manami 20 May 2011

Dear Linda, thank you for your comment.

by joke46 19 May 2011

I never had problems on your site. Thank you very much for your lovely designs.

1 comment
manami by manami 20 May 2011

Joke, thank you for your comment.

by fannyfurkin 19 May 2011

My dear Yoriko, I am so sorry that this is happening for you, the problem is that from my experience, no matter how clear the instructions, you can not eliminate the stupidity factor. I am sorry if I offend anyone, but this is just the way it is, you can send emails with clear instructions, some people won't read them, you can have the instructions clearly on your website, but some folk will look in the top left of your site, others will look at the bottom and others won't bother reading anything. So it is just frustrating. We can only do the best we can, and smile when we answer emails, like we do when we answer the phone.
I hope my candid reply did not offend anyone, it is not meant to, Cutie's are the nicest people.

1 comment
manami by manami 20 May 2011

Dear Alice, thank you for your comment.

by jofrog2000 19 May 2011

I go there at different times of the day and have had no problems, either with the free gift or to buy something.

1 comment
manami by manami 20 May 2011

Jo, thank you for your comment.

by gerryvb 19 May 2011

sorry you have problems with the site, I just was there and had no problems downloading your lovely Daisy letter and no problems logging out either. Thank you for your designs, hugs/love G.

1 comment
manami by manami 20 May 2011

Dear Gerry, thank you for your comment.

by greysewist Moderator 19 May 2011

I've been collecting the Daisy alpha over the last few days and haven't had any trouble, Yoriko. Maybe it's worse at a different time of day. Thanks for what you provide for us. The daisy alpha is a really nice one.

1 comment
manami by manami 19 May 2011

Thank you Grey, for your comment. Everything counts. Hugs, Yoriko

by bevgrift 19 May 2011

Thank you for your concern in this regard.
All the best in problem solving.
Hugs Bev

1 comment
manami by manami 19 May 2011

Thank you Bev.