by stitchship 18 May 2011

You click on the one you want to view. If you want to read the replies to your questions, click on: questions.

If you want to see the see other people's questions that you have left a comment on, click on: answers.

If you notice, at the beginning of each question, there is a little gray checkmark. If you click on it, it will turn orange. You might want to find a particular question by someone else fast, so you checkmark it, and if you want to find all the one you have check before, you click on the word: marked.

Another thing you might want to know is that people have taken time to put totorials together on how to do something or other on this site, and if you look at the list of : Popular Topics on your left, and you click on the word: Tutorial, you will find a lot of help on how to do different things on this site.

I hope this helps. and Have a nice day