by askmcv 17 May 2011

Hello, cuties

Is there a freebie somewhere that says "I dress to kill...and I cook the same way!"? I thought I saw one somewhere...thanks for your help :)


by sewlikedawn 18 May 2011

Very Cute! Thanks for asking!

by askmcv 17 May 2011

Thank you sew much for all your help, cuties :) Yu really ARE the best!
I wanted to put this on an apron front for daughter...can't wait to see her face!

by ansalu 17 May 2011

It is in designs by cuties but I don't know which page actually. Maybe you find it in one of the catalogues or you can search with the design-number?
Greetings, Bettina

sewmom by sewmom 17 May 2011

I think there was a problem stitching this design out. I don't remember exactly what it was.

by shirlener88 17 May 2011

You might try this catalog posting:

by knitty46 17 May 2011

It is on here under designs. someone might have the page number. I don't have it. Soon you will have your answer.
Have fun,