by klomond 15 May 2011

I have a PED basic card reader for my PE 150 but the embroidery machine is not picking up my card, it gives me a message that it cant read the card. Any suggestions would be appreciated... thanks


getEdited - SELECT
by hightechgrammy 15 May 2011

Also, just to add to the PED Basic, and PE Design thread, If you are using a Mac computer, you have to use the Windows machine to use the Card. You cannot drag and drop the files onto the Windows card from the Mac machine, even if it looks like it. It doesn't work. It also doesn't work to drag and drop the files onto the USB floppy disc for those machines who use those. If you want it to work on windows, you have to do it all through the windows format. It's so much more awkward that Mac, but you have to jump through those hoops!

1 comment
joyce500 by joyce500 15 May 2011

I had my PE design set for a larger design also. I thought my card stopped working. I went to my dealer to try to buy I new card. Then I realized I had the design set too large. Joyce

by hightechgrammy 15 May 2011

Hi, I would still do what Awesome1 said, as that is a good protocol for any problem that isn't easily resolved. You also might just gently clean the card, wiping it with a soft cloth. Also, make sure you plug in the card and reader before you start the computer... There is also a way you can set up for your Windows machine to recognize a USB device from the menu .... My machine will not recognize the files if the say .PES, but will if they say .pes - it makes a difference if they are capital letters vs. lower case. Hope that helps! I'm not a PC native, so I don't know the ins and outs of Windows yet - still learning myself. Jan

by awesome1 15 May 2011

A friend had same difficulty-I cleaned all prev. installation from her computer, went to Brother site and downloaded updated "Basic" to 'my docs'. Opened and installed the "Basic", following instructions and reconnected the card writer to install it's updated driver. It worked for us. But the Brother site has full instructions for this. Hope you are successful; if not, contact their support team. OH SORRY--I was reading that the card reader wasn't recognized! I should pay attn!

by patriciaponder 15 May 2011

Did you use your reader to put a design on the card or is this card one your purchased. Some that I have purchased the machine will not read. When I upgraded to windows7 I had problems too ... downloaded a file and that cleared up the problem.

by misfit 15 May 2011

If you have a design too large for your hoops on the card you get this message

klomond by klomond 15 May 2011

Thanks you sew much Misfit. that was exactly what the problem was, I had the PED basic set at 5x7 but my machine only takes a 4x4, I changed the size and now it works guys are awesome!

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 15 May 2011

Thanks! That's also good information to know!

by lenamae 15 May 2011

do you have the right format or do you have the picture it will not pick up a picture.