by bettytaylor 10 May 2011

Does anyone have the design called TIGERFLY? It's approx. 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 in. Do you know the website it came from? There is a problem with the stitchout, not enough fill, need to contact. TU Betty


by capoodle 10 May 2011

Found the design at this site.

1 comment
bettytaylor by bettytaylor 10 May 2011

thank you for helping. Betty

by meganne 10 May 2011

This one! I had to search my folders for it.
I've just done a virtual stitchout and it looks fine, no gaps anywhere, BUT, it doesn't have any underlay, the lack of which can cause a design to sort of separate when stitching it out.

Sorry I don't remember the website it came from, but I could do an underlay for you to try and see if that makes it stitch out any better.

Hugs n roses, Meganne

bettytaylor by bettytaylor 10 May 2011

I would really appreciate you helping. I stitched out on a towel, don't know if the material makes a difference. Have a few orders for this design on towels. Should have stitched BEFORE taking orders. Live and learn. Please let me know what I have to do to get your underlay as I am not too good with computers. Thank you Meganne very much. Betty

meganne by meganne 10 May 2011

Hi Betty, Just email me at
Send me the design, which proves to me that you do have it, and I'll send you back the design with the new underlay, which I have already finished.

BTW, when embroidering on towelling you always need to put a layer of WSS on top of the towelling so the stitches don't sink in.

It is also advisable NOT to hoop the towel, but hoop the stabiliser, pin the towel in place making sure it is very firm and then do a basting stitch to attach the towel to the stabiliser. Place WSS on top, then embroider.

Even I have had designs stitch apart when done on towelling because the towelling was too thick and I hadn't set it up as I have just described, which is by far the BEST way to embroider on towels.
HUGs, Meg

by meganne 10 May 2011

Have you Googled it?
Could you upload a photo so we know what we are looking for?

1 comment
bettytaylor by bettytaylor 10 May 2011

the design is a butterfly with a tiger inside. has eyes nose and the colors are of a tiger. very pretty but not enough fill in the design. does not stitch out nice. thought I could contact site to correct problem. thank you for asking. Betty