by obaachan 04 May 2011

Life is a blessing that you only get to live one day at a time. So make each day a new memory because tomorrow a memory may be all that is left.



by shirlener88 06 May 2011

Jo, you are so right about this - we really only have today and we best make the best of it - so that we do have memories - anything can happen to any of us.

by noah 05 May 2011

Truer words were never spoken!!carolyn

by kalinelson 04 May 2011

I agree....a couple we have known for quiet a while and knew the husband had been sick for some time died a while back and it really hit home....she misses him everyday but she has great memories and I realize I do too....I hope my hubby is around a long time, but everyday I realize it could be his last and I don't let the little things bother me anymore.....I have great memories and hope to continue to make them with my hubby.....thanks for sharing this.

1 comment
obaachan by obaachan 04 May 2011

I too have many great memories.... so glad you enjoyed my post !

by 02kar Moderator 04 May 2011

Thank you