by sewlikedawn 22 Apr 2011

I can't do anything hardly at all embroidery wise when she is here! Because I have her for 2 weeks out of each month I can't sew very much. By the time she goes to bed I am exhusted! I'm not a spring chicken anymore. LOL and can stay up all night like I use to! I was planning to go up tonight and try it out.

If I tell my husband that I am sewing today he comes up with something he needs to do and I need to be there!
Will post something later on my progress.
Promise Hugs Dawn


by caroldann 22 Apr 2011

Dawn, enjoy the time you have with your gd. You can catch up with your sewing and embroidery when she goes back home. Carol

1 comment
sewlikedawn by sewlikedawn 22 Apr 2011

Thank you Carol. Kaylie left yesterday and so I am trying to get my house back in order to!
Hugs Dawn

by devon 22 Apr 2011

That is okay just have fun with your granddaughter. We will be here later for you.

1 comment
sewlikedawn by sewlikedawn 22 Apr 2011

Thank you Devon. I love her so much! She is my first girl. I have three sons.
Hugs Dawn

by shirlener88 22 Apr 2011

Dawn, do what you can - when you can - most of all - enjoy that GD!

1 comment
sewlikedawn by sewlikedawn 22 Apr 2011

Thank you Shirlene. You are always to sweet! I love every minute I have with her! Hugs Dawn