by mi30kaja 17 Apr 2011

Today the visit cost Au$98.40 then in 10 days time I have to book her in for an op. The operation is $450 and pathology is $167. There could be a followup visit if it is cancerous. I have had a dog all of my life and will really miss this one when she goes. All of my dogs have been Heinz Varieties from a rescue home and have had a beautiful nature.


by shirlener88 18 Apr 2011

Lyn, this has to be bery hard for you to pay this sort of fee - but of coarse you don't wnat you 23 year old to suffer. I will be praying for your both dear one.

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mi30kaja by mi30kaja 18 Apr 2011

Thank You Shirlene. Wasn't a good day yesterday, but I won't go into it.

by anangel 17 Apr 2011

I love all animals, but I believe I would have asked the vet for an antibiotic to see if the spot would heal, as well as for the ear infection. Even humans have some types of growths, that are common, like fatty tumors, which are very rarely ever cancerous. It is sad, that so
many in the medical care field, for human or animals, rather than consider the proper procedures of the least expensive route alternative, opt for that most financially beneficial to themselves. The more expensive option is usually no more effective in prolonging the longevity or providing a cure, than the least expensive. I learned a long time ago to question the odds and my options, rather than add to someone's already hefty wallet.
I will be the first to say that my love for my animal is worth more than the money, but if I consider that my thirteen year old dog is comparable to age 91 of a human, I would have to question would the trauma of surgery do more harm than good? Wouldn't a less invasive treatment be a more feasible choice, considering the age?
Thankfully, I have two healthy dogs and two sweet, healthy kitties, and a vet with common sense, who doesn't resort to emotional blackmail in treating them! Just my two cents!

anangel by anangel 17 Apr 2011

I did not intend to sound insensitive to your fear and love of your pet. I have lost pets after taking them for treatments from the vet, getting up every two hours to feed them with a dropper, and rubbed them lovingly, as I was exhausted needing rest. But, I would do it all over again, because of my love for them. My point was, your vet is just a crook, when it comes to charges for his services! My heart goes out to you! I hope everything goes well for your special pet!

bevintex by bevintex 17 Apr 2011

When i had to take my Mother's dog in to be put down the vet charged me 168.00
Then the next day he had a florist send me a rose. I wonder if that rose was included in what i thought was a very excessive bill. Emotions are running high at a time like this and we don't always think of the cost. I have since found a less costly vet if choose to get another dog.

mi30kaja by mi30kaja 18 Apr 2011

Thank you anangel for your reply. The antibiotics is something I had not thought of but I am concerned about an operation at 13. This same girl had two teeth out last year. That was over $400. It is hard to know what to do as I really love my pets and hate to see them suffer. She sleeps on my bed since losing my DH. I keep saying no more dogs BUT?????

anangel by anangel 18 Apr 2011

Lynn, my heart aches from understanding your situation. It is heartwrenching to see a beloved pet suffer, and often, we do not make the best decisions for them, because of our love and emotional attachment. A dear friend of mine finally made the decision this past week to have her 13 year old German Shepherd put down because of multiple health issues. My friend is grieving terribly, but feels she made the right decision for her beloved pet. He was almost blind, deaf, had incontinence and still had continuous pain from a surgery over a year ago. He whined nearly continuously and did not eat well. She finally realized she was not responding as to what was best for him, but for herself.
But, never say never to another little "Heinz"! You have a lot of love to give, and so will it! Pets are so loving, very loyal, and worthwhile!!

by bevintex 17 Apr 2011

Lyn, thinking of you. Take care of yourself too.

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mi30kaja by mi30kaja 18 Apr 2011

Thank You Bev. I am wondering if this is why I have been feeling like - I can't be bothered. I hate this time in a Pets life as I lost another girl 3 years ago to Cancer. She was my Vacuum Cleaner. Lyn

by sewlikedawn 17 Apr 2011

I sure hope everything turns out all right! What is a Heinz variety? Do you have a picture? The only Heinz we have in the USA is catsup! LOL! I have Jack Russell Terriers 3 and 1 Boxer. Can you tell I am a dog lover? Love Cats too! I was raisded with all kinds of animals.
Hugs Dawn

mi30kaja by mi30kaja 18 Apr 2011

Heinz Variety is 57 varieties. Who Knows what variety this really is. She came from a rescue shelter and looks like a Kelpie but who knows what else. A Kelpie is an Australian variety and used as a sheep herder. Lyn

mi30kaja by mi30kaja 18 Apr 2011

I keep saying no more pets after my girl has gone, but after doing a bit of traveling I know I would like a Jack Russell or a Fox Terrier. Love Cats but have lost too many to snakes and it breaks my heart when they don't come home. Lyn

by devon 17 Apr 2011

So true. If something is wrong we have to pay. Hope everything turns out okay.

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mi30kaja by mi30kaja 17 Apr 2011

I know she has to go sometime but not just yet.