by bevgrift 15 Apr 2011

I have just unpacked my new Brother Table and FreeArm Attachment.

Now where do I store the empty box or when the table is not in use.
As it is, all the hoops , embroidery arm, cables, and extra feet are getting me in a huge mess/disarray.
Please can anyone suggest how to store all these items and especially if you have multiple Machines ( also with gadgets).
This new hobby of embroidery, comes with many items.
More fabric, stabilizers,computer and disks to name a few.
I use to love sewing but now am drowning ,overwhelmed and depressed :(


by bevgrift 15 Apr 2011

Thank you to everyone and flowers for all the lovely tips.
I am feeling much better now.
I took the large garden clipper and cut all the overgrown shrubs in the garden, until my arms could not even close the clipper. About 4 hrs.
Came back to the sewing room and boxed the whole machine with all its extras.
No more embroidery for a couple of weeks/maybe months. I have my old sewing machine and overlock for handy repairs and everyday things.
I have picked up my yarn and hand knitting. Knitting is very soothing.(can relax in front of the T.V.)
I also have a 'yarn barn' worth of yarn, and 3 knitting machines.
I make the most beautiful, soft 'Knit Weave baby blankets on the Cardomatic. After I've done a few of these, I will make some more Embroidered Projects in the future.
I think trying to get too much done at once (more like a headless chicken)and the chaotic organizing caused this frustration and melt down.
I will of course still be DL the lovely alfa and checking up with all the Cute adventures Here!
Hugs Bev

by capoodle 15 Apr 2011

For most people to get organized you have to get the stuff from counter height and below and go vertical up the wall. I use two cheap bookcases that my son used to have in his bedroom and put clear plastic containers with lids on the shelves. Anything you can get up on the walls will help also. Adding a link from google on sewing room organizing images. Take a look at all the different ways crafters get organized and you might be able to repurpose something that you all ready have in you home.

by mysugarfootswife 15 Apr 2011

A couple of screw eyes somewhere and a large S hook to store the hoops on, out of the way. Go to Wal-Mart and get a set of stacked drawers. Most of them are on wheels. I have one that I got on sale there for $9. It's $20 something now. Has 3 large drawers on the bottom and 4 smaller ones on top. Take the flat top off and you can stack more drawers on top of that. I got bigger and better casters and put them on a piece of plywood, then screwed the set of drawers on the plywood. It goes from machine to machine. And everything is always right beside me. One drawer for the sewing machine stuff and another for the embroidery machine stuff. The bottom big ones have the big cones of thread. I put screw eyes on each side and that's where I hang the hoops. Again always beside me when I sew on either machine.

by sewlikedawn 15 Apr 2011

Looks like you got a lot of good suggestions. I have the same problem you do! Sometimes it does get on my nerves how messy my room is and no where to put everything.
Take a couple of days and give yourself a break if you can.

by mehhouse 15 Apr 2011

You could install pegboard on a wall and organize your hoops that way. If a large pegboard won't work, Walmart has 12"x12" plastic pegboard panels that you could use. OR you could use the 3M hooks with the removable sticky tape on the back for hang items on a wall. My favorite way to hang light weight items on a wall is the old-fashioned straight pins. Use them like a nail and they leave a tiny hole only when you remove them. I also use smaller table top plastic drawers. Each machine has a drawer or 2 for the extra stuff that comes with it. You can label the drawers so you know what machine it's for.


by leenova54 15 Apr 2011

Not too long ago I post a pic of my little sewing corner and the shelf unit I got that was actually for above the toilet, well, my things have spread out along 1/2 of a couch and the floor, I need to organize again instead of just shoving more stuff in the corner! I so wish we could sell this house and move to one that would fit us better but there are 5 houses in our block that have been for sale (2 of them for about a year and a half) that just aren't selling and the prices are dropping so low we could never get a decent price for it.

by mi30kaja 15 Apr 2011

I wanted somewhere to keep my extra feet and other small attachments for my one and only embroidery machine so this is why I made my first purse ( see in projects) but then every one has taken over the purses and made purses for other reasons eg grand daughters etc. Lyn

by lbrow 15 Apr 2011

I can identify with you. I have a very small sewing rm but my grand daughter has a 3 story house with a large attic so I put large & small boxes in large garbage bags with labels & get here to store for me./ Lillian

by bikermomfl 15 Apr 2011

Now Now, don't get depressed, step back, look at all your pretties and smile, then empty out a closet, add shelves and/or those plastic storage carts (with drawers) and put everything in there are soon it'll all be where you want it and then just close the door and poof, nice and neat. That's what I did. I have 5 plastic drawer carts filled with different yarns, on top my fabric is divided by color on the ends I have stored (stuffed) plastic zipper bags to put the finished quilts in. Have fun and smile

by rmj8939 15 Apr 2011

I ouldn't be the one to tell you. If you could see my room you would know why.

by juanitadenney 15 Apr 2011

Know the feeling. I used to have a sewing room but now I have a sewing house. If I buy anything I come home and start searching for places to put it. I am out of control, overwhelmed but certainly not depressed. Good luck with your new hobby.

mi30kaja by mi30kaja 15 Apr 2011

I thought I was the only one with a craft house rather than a craft room. Glad to see I am not alone. Lyn

debswebster by debswebster 15 Apr 2011

So say most of us I am sure. Te He
I daren't say more...I could embarrass myself