by obaachan 13 Apr 2011

Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time. Then your time on earth will be filled with glory.

-- Betty Smith


by jrob Moderator 14 Apr 2011

Beautiful sentiment. Love my DGS(s) that they help me see through their eyes.

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by hightechgrammy 14 Apr 2011

That is so true. It snowed again last night. But, instead of groaning, I decided to do like you suggested and see how beautiful it was. And it was! We feed the birds outside our dining room window and the bare aspen trees are now covered with 8 inches of new snow. Each one of those branches is full of birds - all colors and they come because we feed them. I cracked the window so we could hear them better and what a symphony of sound! It was just beautiful. Summer will be here soon enough. God's beauty was here this morning and it was filled with HIS glory!

by capoodle 13 Apr 2011

My best friend is legally blind with absolutely no light vision. She has taught me how to depict what I can see visually to her. Before she asked me to describe what I was seeing I have to admit the little details were just foggy. Now I see things in a whole different way. She was complaining how it was a drop everything day and when I asked her, "How do you find the little pills you dropped on the floor? "She said I listened." So the next time I dropped a pill I closed my eyes and listened as it rolled under the island (a different sound) continued rolling and hit close to the back door. That was several feet from when I was standing. Give it a try the next time you drop something. Close your eyes and try to describe all the things in your room. You will definitely start to see the world around you clearer. It is all the details we forgot to really look at.

by 02kar Moderator 13 Apr 2011

I think this is why it is so wonderful to be with a child. The world is so different when seen through a child's eyes.

1 comment
hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 14 Apr 2011

That is so true. They help us notice the little things like it was the first time! Sometimes the questions they ask are on such a simple level it just helps us see the world in a whole new way.

by shirlener88 13 Apr 2011

Thank you dear.