by ladyboo 09 Apr 2011

My time is up tomorrow. Both sad and happy right now. Sad it's over and so very happy for the last 7 months. I can't tell you all what a total joy it's been to come in here and be able to download what ever I wanted. And everything is so beautiful it made it so easy to decide! I won't be available tomorrow to say my farewell, so this is it. I thank Veronika for allowing Linda to pass it on to me. And for allowing me to choose the next person to be honored. I know Barbara will enjoy this as much as I have.

And I thank Shirlene for having such a wonderful mother, and sharing her with all of us. I think she was much like my own mother. I know she is missed as much as my own. And this is such a nice tribute to her. The ancient Egyptians believed that the dead live on forever if certain things are done. One of those things is to have the name spoken forever. So Miss Loretta is truly living forever with this scholarship.

Thank you, again.


by 02kar Moderator 09 Apr 2011

I am so glad that you so thoroughly enjoyed the scholarship. Please stick around, you are still part of the family.

by sewmom 09 Apr 2011

This a wonderful gift you get to pass along. I'm sure the next Cutie will enjoy it.

by test 09 Apr 2011

Thank you so much dear Alice for nice and kind words.

by daisy530 09 Apr 2011

Not "good bye"--You'll still be posting and reading, right? I can't believe how fast the time goes by!