by danie6919 30 Mar 2008

Please help! I kow I am not at the right place for this uestion but I beleive someone can help me. Do you know a website or a trick to help me remove crayon stain from clothes?


by danie6919 31 Mar 2008

THanks to everyone! I am waiting for my husband to come back from the store with Clorox to start a first round of test. I tried the WD-40 and dishwasher soap on a few pair of pants. I will see what the end result is. I tried the iron and brown paper or Scott Towel and it didn't work. So I hope the WD-40 works. The dryer is now clean and we tested it with a bag full of rags and everything is fine now. THanks for all the good advices. I will let you know of the WD-40 works!

by ruthie 30 Mar 2008

Good answers everyone, I'm sure one of them should work for you danie, hope so. I was going to give the same answer as dlmds, but I would have used a plain brown paper bag, because I found that the ink from some newspapers transfered to the garments and was impossible to remove as the heat sealed it in! I've even used this idea on light brown seude boots when someone dripped more than a little red candle wax on them! And it removed every trace of the wax, not a single mark left. Do so hope something works, and I feel sorry for you having to clean it out of the dryer too - what a job! Hugs and a flower for you sweetie.

by azap 30 Mar 2008

I keep this guide in my laudry room, hope it helps.
Fm Clorox's Parents' Guide To Clean Clothes: Crayons
"For crayons that have gone through the dryer and melted over clothing." (1) Apply prewash stain remover (Stain Out) to area and rub gently. (2)Lauder with detergent & Clorox bleach or Clorox 2 in the hottest water recommended for fabric. (3) If stain remains, apply dry cleaning fluid to stain and relaunder. (4) These steps may need to be repeated because crayons are the most difficult stains to remove.

1 comment
azap by azap 30 Mar 2008

Sorry I keep spelling laundry and launder incorrectly. I'm typing too fast.

by nglover1 30 Mar 2008

This group of cuties always has an answer. You are all VERY SMART. Flowers for all of you.

by lorettag28 30 Mar 2008

There has got to be some crayon still in your dryer that you have to get out, you might have to take the drum out. A flower for your troubles.

by clawton 30 Mar 2008

Try jrobs web site first. If you don't get anything this is from my stain removal chart. Scrape excess from fabric with dull knife. (if not it will just spread) Then sponge with dry-cleaning solvent. Rinse with water. apply detergent to stain. Launder, using hot water and chlorine bleach, if safe for fabric. OR-Treat dry garment with a prewash spot and stain remover and launder as before.

by shirlener88 30 Mar 2008

danie6919, it looks like you got an answer - let us know if it helped. *4U

by dlmds 30 Mar 2008

This is a hard one. Was this a wax crayon? I do know that with candle wax you can iron with newspaper on top, and that will remove the wax. I don't know that this will help with a whole load of cloths tho. I hope someone has a better idea. I will be watching this one. H.*.

by jrob Moderator 30 Mar 2008

ok, but you must not ask me how I know this...hahaha. Crayon gracefully adds a link on their site for crayon removal... just follow it and you should get an answer.

jrob by jrob 30 Mar 2008

my add a link isn't working????...........

sueffb1 by sueffb1 30 Mar 2008

Jrob, you are sooo smart!! You always can answer any type of question!! You are my hero "at the moment anyway". Now tell me how do I loose 30lbs without diet or exercise!!! A NEED to KNOW question. HaHa

jrob by jrob 31 Mar 2008

ahhh, I can't find a web site for that, I think it has to do with special mirrors! ;)

cutiepie by cutiepie 01 Apr 2008

Well, one way to do it is to have twins and then pump your milk for them. I've dropped between 15 and 20 lbs since my boys were born (and only a bit more than 7 of that was actually baby!) Going from 185 to around 165 in just over a week? Amazing!! Of course, I first had to go from 143 to 185, so maybe not the best choice on that account. =]

by danie6919 30 Mar 2008

A piece of a black crayons ended up in the dryer with a load of clean clothes. After cleaning the dryer, I put another load in and more clothes ended up being stain!!! I have to remove the stain from a lot of clothes and large surface on some of them.

1 comment
katydid by katydid 30 Mar 2008

Reminds me of the time a friend's washing machine motor died. When it blew up, it sprayed black motor oil over a whole loadof her husband's white dress shirts. That in in the days before we learned to sent the dress shirts out to the laundry.