by ardithanne 30 Mar 2008

I was expecting the "S" today; why repeat the "H"? I am so afraid I will not get the whole autumn alphabet. ardithanne


by ruthie 30 Mar 2008

Don't worry ardithanne, the rest of the letters will show up one day, and in the meantime it gives us all a chance to vote for letters that other people have requested. Hugs and a flower sweetie, to welcome you here.

by dlmds 30 Mar 2008

Ardithanne, I have also been waiting and need the "S". I have been here long enough to know it will come. I also know it takes alot of time and work to make the beautiful designs that they are kind enough to share with us. While we wait, we get to vote for designs that some of our other friends have missed that is our way of sharing. H.*.

by shirlener88 30 Mar 2008

ardithanne, it will come - be patient. I think they took the weekend off. Hehehe! *4U

by freida 30 Mar 2008

Fear not, Sweetie. She always comes thru. I don't understand the repeats either. But she has never let us down in the past.

by meganne 30 Mar 2008

I think it is because the 'S' has not been created yet. It takes time to digitise designs, more especially so when they are created so beautifully and with such detail. I'm sure our patience will be rewarded in due time. In the meantime it gives other members a chance to cacth up on those they may have missed out on the first time around. cheers & a rose for your patience, Meganne

1 comment
ardithanne by ardithanne 30 Mar 2008

Thank you, I hadn't thought of that. ardithanne

by beeboomer 30 Mar 2008

I'm sure Cute will restart new letters soon. This has happened before. It does give some of us a chance to catch up on some letters we have missed when they were first offered. This is a beautiful alphabet, so I can see why you want to be sure to get it all!

1 comment
ardithanne by ardithanne 30 Mar 2008

You are so right; I hope everyone catches up. ardithanne