by basketkase 06 Apr 2011

matter how small and I found out that heartless people across the street released, no, discarded two guinea pigs outside yesterday. They put them by the trash cans and put a carrot by them and thought nothing of it. I let them know what they did was unforgiveable, they shrugged their shoulders as I collected the poor little things....they were huddled together and shaking.....I know what to do with rescued kitties as you guys know that's what I do, but I have never rescued guinea's, so I got a box prepared with shredded newpaper and an old flannel sheet and put them in that.......they zoomed under the sheet right away. Then I put my fingers to work and started dialing kitty friends and found out about a critter sanctuary a couple towns called them and told them the story and they had room for them, so they are meeting me after my doctor appt today in a parking lot to collect them and take them to the sanctuary.......AWESOME!! She did advice me to move them to a cat carrier as she said they are chewers and they could chew through the box I had them in......who knew, not me! So today they get a new home, instead of being food for the wild life around here.......Some of my friends laugh at me, but that's OK, someone has to be caring, right? By the way it got down to 41 degrees last night, and I am sure that is not a good temp for them to survive in either.........I am really upset about people that think animals are disposable...can you tell???

Just needed an ear and hopefully you guys aren't laughing at me too!! (it is humorous though....I'll giggle with you...LOL)


by lbrow 14 Apr 2011

No I will never laugh at anyone who loves all God's critters. Having had Guinea's as a child myself & my grand children had 4 with a wonderland of tubes & what not to play in. I only had a wooden box & yes they do chew right through wood in no time flat. It's a thousand wonders something didn't get them before your rescue efforts. Congratulations to you, Animal Hero./Lillian

by jand803 13 Apr 2011

I am not sure why you would expect anyone to laugh at you. What you did is what most people would do. Those neighbors of yours are not normal. They should be made to stay out by trash bins all night at 41 degrees. You can give them a carrot if you want.

by bandit04087 11 Apr 2011

Hooray for you!! I, too, am an animal lover and rescuer. Just ask my husband. He just shakes his head and laughs when I come home with birds or hamsters or even guinea pigs!! Good for you. There should be many more just like you.

by jacquipaul 09 Apr 2011

Thank you for sharing and caring; I cannot believe the cruelty of some people.

by sadp 08 Apr 2011

Well done, Vicki, good for you, I would have done the same!

by hightechgrammy 07 Apr 2011

Hi Vicki, I am so glad you were in the right place at the right time to save those innocent little animals. You did what was right. The only difference between you and me is that I would have tried to keep them and raise them, which wouldn't have been good for our household - he he. We had some guinea pigs and they are sweet. I had them in my classroom and the kids adored them. They get really tame and you can hold them and they come when you call them. They do this sweet little whistle. But they do pee a lot and poop everywhere. I think they can be trained to do it in a littler box. But, I think my cats would like to eat them. Now they will get to go to a loving home where they will be cared for properly and have clean papers and warm beds and a good diet. Are you one of God's angels on Earth?? All life is to be treasured! I'm not one bit surprised you saved them, of course you would, dear friend. And look at all these Cuties friends who all chimed in - I'm not surprised at any of you too! Love and hugs from another animal lover. Jan
I kissed a chicken yesterday!

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase 10 Apr 2011

LOL, Jan....where did you do that????

by catsnhorses 07 Apr 2011

YIPPEE! Vicki, you have the kindest heart and I am so happy you were able to save those little critters. I'd be right there with you, searching them out and bringing them indoors to be loved again. I can't imagine people who think pets are throw-aways. As I look at my sweet somali, stretched across my desk, partially obliterating my screen... well, I'll just move more to one side, so he's comfy and I can see the screen better. Isn't that what love is?

Love ya

by rmj8939 07 Apr 2011

God bless you for your caring. I believe that all creatures should be treated with respect. Thank you for doing what you did from me.

by airyfairy 07 Apr 2011

Dear Vicki - Bless your heart. I just cannot understand the human race. What a terrible thing for your neighbours to do. My daughter Charlotte had a guinea pig when she was small - called Jean Pierre. He was the cutest little thing and lived for many years. Thank you for saving those little things. Love Sarah.

by jerrib 06 Apr 2011

God bless you for saving them. I would report the neighbours to your local Animal Shelter or SPCA. They shouldn't be able to get away with what they did.

by moyed 06 Apr 2011

God knew exactly what he was doing when he created YOU. :D I love gods creatures and fell embarrased that I am in anyway the same as some people on earth how are able to hurt animals and people. hugs to you. Helen

by katydid 06 Apr 2011

Glad you found them!!

by pennifold 06 Apr 2011

What an angel you are Vicki. So glad you got to save these darling little creatures. Love and blessings Chris

by capoodle 06 Apr 2011

We are constantly rescuing animals that run away. We live on a river and the animals hit the river bed and I guess their noses keep them running. Have reunited several families with their missing pets. It's such a good feeling when they come and pick them up. Our latest rescue was a white big dog asleep under our swing. It was just below freezing and his owners said he had been missing for a couple weeks. I keep a can of dog and a can of cat food on hand for these strays. My favorite moment was when our neighbors new puppy went missing for several weeks. They only reason they got her back was the purple collar I had put on her before I knew who she belonged to. Their older dog brought her to our house and left her under my car. So right from the beginning the older dog was trying to get rid of her. lol

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase 10 Apr 2011

What a funny story about the older dog... our older kitties would like to do the same with our youngest cat!!!!!

by mysew1325 06 Apr 2011

I am glad you found them and told the folks a thing or two... some folks are so heartless..

by mommajo 06 Apr 2011

I am glad you found out in time to help them. I can't belive people who do stuff like that can live with themself. Thank you for doing what you did.

by noah 06 Apr 2011

Good for you go girl!!carolyn

by devon 06 Apr 2011

I am so pround of you. Not many people would do that. Every pet that I have had has been rescued so how. I wish more poeple where like you!!!

by basketkase 06 Apr 2011

Yippee.......rescue is done!! What a lovely woman I got to meet too!! She sexed them as a male and female and only about 6 months old. This sanctuary is a non profit no kill shelter and I told her when they have a fundraiser I will do a few shirts for them to sell......I will sleep tonight!! Vicki

bevintex by bevintex 06 Apr 2011

When my son was small his aunt had a guinea pig, because he couldn't say guinea he called it a goody pig. Even today I still think of them as goody pigs. LOL

airyfairy by airyfairy 07 Apr 2011

Hooray - happy ending.

by shirlener88 06 Apr 2011

You have a great big heart!

by bevintex 06 Apr 2011

People like this should not be allowed to own an animal. I've been reading the pet ads looking for a dog and I come across so many that say my dog had 9 puppies and if you don't come get one it's your fault when they go to the pound and are killed. My fault? Or even worse come get my dog because I don't have time for it. Don't these people use their brain?

by mel08 06 Apr 2011

Big hugs to you for your rescue. I would have done the same. I drove 2.5 hours to rescue my little Morkies last August because their life was an uncertainty.

by queenofhearts 06 Apr 2011

Kudos to you. It is sad that some people treat God's creatures in such a heartless way.