by oldtimer992005 28 Mar 2011

tomorrow morning i will feel better. i also have five stitches. which i have to have removed april 11th. if anybody knows what i an do , please help thank you. stella


by fannyfurkin 30 Mar 2011

Stella, how are you feeling today? I hope you got some pain relief.

by hightechgrammy 30 Mar 2011

Oh Stella, I feel the pain for you - owie. You can take pain meds, call the dentist. I know ibuprofin (sp) is especially good for mouth pain, but be sure to ask your doctor. would ice help? Don't try to do any work - just put on your warm snuggly pajamas and go to bed. Do you have a teddy bear? It will feel better soon. Hang in there. Snuggle down deep in the covers and get some sleep...

by bumblebee 30 Mar 2011

My heart goes out to you- no fun being in pain-
follow Suzanne's advice and call the dentist.
Take care and feel better soon.

by sdrise 29 Mar 2011

call the dentist immediatly. It could be a dry socket which no pain med will touch. I worked for a dentist for 15 years. They have a special pack they put in the hole that numbs it ans helps it heal faster. Hope you follow some of thsi good advice. Call them! Hope you feel better soon Suzanne

by airyfairy 29 Mar 2011

Wondering how you are feeling after your ordeal. Please let us know how you are. Hope you are feeling better. Sarah.

by fannyfurkin 29 Mar 2011

Sarah is obviously way more knowledgeable about this than me, other than the fact that I have experienced a dry socket and they are extremely painful, but if you go back to the dentist he will be able to sort you out. I had my dry socket packed with something that smelt like cloves (I have no doubt there was clove oil in it) but the pain went away straight away. the only problem was that it was the weekend and I could not see the dentist for a few days so the GP put me on a huge dose of codeine. I was a nurse so I still had to go to work on the weekend and off my head on codeine. The dentist treatment was magic.

1 comment
airyfairy by airyfairy 29 Mar 2011

Alice - you are right. The sockets can be packed with a dressing which contains oil of cloves and this helps tremendously. It looks as if Stella has had stitches which will help the healing. Do not forget that it is always a trauma to have teeth out and it sounds as if Stella had certainly more than one out. Poor thing :(

by ansalu 29 Mar 2011

So sorry to hear that you have so much pain :o(
If the pain is still so strong after 24hours you should go back to your dentist.
Last year I had the same and went there just after 3 days with "painkillers". The wound (open, no stitches) had infected and I had 2 weeks with much more visits. Your wound is closed so nothing can come into it and this sounds much better to me. My sister told me that her dentist gave her antibiotica to provide the risc of an infection.
Hope you getting better soon

by leenova54 29 Mar 2011

Feel so bad for you, hope the pain eases soon but I expect you will be sore for a few days. Pain meds and ice packs for about 15 minutes every hour or so. Take care and hang in there, call the dentist if you feel the need, they understand even if you are only worried.

by capoodle 29 Mar 2011

The other cuties have covered the pain and swelling so for the chills I put a blanket or two in the dryer and heat them up. Try to get some sleep and see how you feel when you wake up. Big Hug for you!

by emily16838 29 Mar 2011

Just wanted to say that I wish I could be there to keep you company and pat the back of your hand...that's what I always want someone to do for me when I'm down. So just know in spirit I'm right beside you trying not to make you laugh, cause its hurts more when you laugh. So try to just smile a little.

by airyfairy 29 Mar 2011

I am so sorry to hear this. I was a dental nurse for some years (when I was much younger) and having lower teeth out can sometimes be a problem. Just do not wash your mouth out as this washes the blood out of the sockets. The lower jaw is particulary prone to 'dry sockets' which causes terrible pain. The blood clots must remain in the sockets so they can start the healing process. If the pain continues you must contact your dentist and he/ she will perscribe something. Let us know how you are doing.
Hugs Sarah.

ansalu by ansalu 29 Mar 2011

Sarah, you are a specialist ;o)
I'm the biggest coward when I had to go to the dentist so I always have a lottle bottle of clove oil at home. This numbs the pain if you have a hole in one teeth. Does it works also in this case? On the teethridge?
Greetings, Bettina

airyfairy by airyfairy 29 Mar 2011

Years ago, oil of cloves was used to mix temporary fillings because of its healing power. I would certainly not recommend it for use after the extraction of teeth.

by katydid 28 Mar 2011

I am so sorry, you should call your dentist!! Please keep us advised! Kay

by crafter2243 Moderator 28 Mar 2011

I have nothing more to add to the advise already given. I hope you feel better tomorrow.

by beatie58 28 Mar 2011

Stella, Hopefully they gave you some pain meds? I agree with Gerry ice packs really help. Get better quick. Hugs Sally

by bevgrift 28 Mar 2011

I do remember when my son had wisdom teeth pulled,the nurse recomended ice packs made from small bags of frozen peas.The bags shape around the cheeks and prevented swelling. But they also had tablets for pain (Myprodol)which also are Anti inflammatory.
I am very sorry for your pain ,hope you get better soon.
From Bev

by sabrina1216 28 Mar 2011

make sure you are taking 600 mg motrin every 4-6 hours for can take two tylenol inbetween the motrin for a few days. take two tea bags and get them wet, just damp, bite on the tea bags for about 40 minutes. i know it sounds crazy to take the motrin and tylenol like that but you can because they are two different medicines. i hope you feel better soon! and, use an ice pack, 30 minutes left side, 30 minutes right

by gerryb 28 Mar 2011

Make an ice pack first. Take a plastic bag, put ice OR a bag of unopened frozen peas in it. You can put this in the leg of an old panty hose so it can be tied around your head to keep the ice in place. You will look silly, but the ice helps. Leave it on 20 mins., off 20 mins, on 20 mins, etc. You will keep swelling down if you will keep your head elevated. I can't believe your doctor didn't tell you all this or give you something for pain! You can take 3 xtra strength Tylanol, but don't take that many often!! Be sure & read the bottle instructions as you can overdose on Tylanol! I take Advil, but if you are bleeding, it may be better to wait until tomorrow for that. I am so sorry you are in such pain. Call your doctor!! They can call in a pain med for you. As for feeling chilly...I don't know what would cause that, unless you are running a fever. However, I usually am chilly after being put to sleep for anything, so maybe that's it? Ice on your face & wrap up in a blanket for chilly! Whew! Bless your heart!

by bevintex 28 Mar 2011

Did they not give you something for pain. I wish i could help but have no ideas.