by teddybear117 26 Mar 2011

I hadn't seen him in years or other members of my family and have been trying to find out how to contact everyone. This is not the way I wanted to find family. As it turns out, I can't go anyway. My car is in pieces in the driveway because of a problem preventing it from starting. The passenger seat is out and so is the radio. The mechanic will be here later to finish what he started. Just too late for me to pay my respects.


by elizabethak 27 Mar 2011

It saddens me when family loose touch. My mom came To SA from Macau in 1941(two years in Hong Kong)so didn't see her family again (both parents died in the 190sss) until 1974. However, when I came home on school holidays in primary school I had to write letters to the family, which continued until I left high school. By then mom was abe to write to her sister. She was able to travel back to visit in 1983 and 1989 but now the two sisters are gone and the next generation are not in contact.
it saddens me that when I'm gone there will be no more contact with mom's family.

by capoodle 26 Mar 2011

Maybe you can find the closure you missed by honoring your cousin's memory with a visit to the grave. Perhaps you can locate a relative to join you for this.

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teddybear117 by teddybear117 28 Mar 2011

I don't think it will be possible to visit his grave. For some reason even though he was raise Catholic he was cremated. I was hoping my Cousin Sandra would have gotten back to me and let me know how the rest of the family is doing. I would have really liked to have seen Allan's parents. My Uncle is 93 yrs old and I know time must be limited.

by lbrow 26 Mar 2011

I'm sorry to hear all this dear. I always encourage my family members to stay in touch because we get fewer & fewer. I try to be the one to kinda keep up with all the fmly members as well as my aunt who is in her late 70s just 5 yrs. older than myself. We are the oldest on both sides.This day in time families grow farther & farther apart from one side of the country to the other, where ever they get jobs. Hope you get your car repaired soon./Lillian

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teddybear117 by teddybear117 28 Mar 2011

I wish our family had kept in touch. You sound like my dear Aunt who passed away in 1998. She was the family historian. God willing the problem with my car will be found and it will be time to make up for lost time with family. There are so many I have never met or even know about.

by anangel 26 Mar 2011

As jrob said, just a few moments to pay your own private memorial right where you are. Many things occur when least expected and at the most inconvenient time. Relax and know it's all in God's plan. Perhaps sometime in the near future you will be able you to reunite with other family members, express your condolences, and have a pleasant visit with them.
My sincere sympathy is with you!

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teddybear117 by teddybear117 26 Mar 2011

We are a large family. 15 aunts and uncles with 3 to 7 children each. I know it is in God's plan. Things really do happen for a reason. Perhaps I just wasn't meant to be there. I know when I went to my Aunts funeral in 1998 I collapsed. When I go to church I sit with tears going down my cheeks and would choke up so bad I'd have to leave. It happened so often I now attend the first church built. I go outside where I feel close to God and all his creations. A friend doesn't understand why my yard is so important to me. It is my sanctuary. I have sent cards to his wife and parents. It just doesn't seem like enough. But, for now it will have to be.

by devon 26 Mar 2011

Glad that you are remembering him. My prayers are with you!!!!

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teddybear117 by teddybear117 26 Mar 2011

Over the years no matter how busy life had gotten in the back of my mind I thought of my 'extended family'. Family means the world to me. Today Allen is in my prayers, and most definitely in my heart. I think of why I had to wait to get my drivers license...Allen had side swiped a city bus so my mother made me wait. I wish we could have gotten together and had a laugh over that and many other things before a time like now. The silly things we think about. Thank you for your prayers.

by jrob Moderator 26 Mar 2011

Just take a moment and stop everything and have your own personal good-bye. Perhaps you can contact the funeral home later and get a family members address to start your quest of contacting others.

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teddybear117 by teddybear117 26 Mar 2011

Thank you for your suggestion. This has been a 3 year quest. I learned of the family loss from my cousin who I have been in contact with since my gd was born in 2008. But when asked how to get a hold of someone she is off in her own little world. She is 20 days younger then me and until we actually get together (which won't be long after my car is up and going, hopefully completely this time. This is a wake up call.) I won't question or comment on why she is evasive with family info. I know when I went through the change years ago I wasn't all myself so I will do what I need to do to continue looking for family. A lot of mean things were said as to what I was going through and caused a lot emotional pain. It wasn't a funeral today but a memorial. A Celebration of Life. The service being at St. Luke's Catholic Church. Funny, my stomach has been cramping severely all week, I thought it was nerves about the car and service. It stopped at the time the service was to start.