by sewinhuggs 13 Mar 2011

the purses taking up to 12-15 hours to stitchout. And the table cloth was 42 panels x 3 hours each. It is going to be awhile before I make another one. So what is your story, I would love to hear it.



by castelyn 14 Mar 2011

I have done some blankets with very dense and large designs on them. This took a couple of days.
Then there were lace designs that I test stitched for Yoriko which also took some time.
Also did some table runners with lace corners.

I have been trying to complete a "trapunto" bag "project" for our Cape Town Cutie get together today.
As I have been away for 3 weeks and not gotten much stitching done, sat on Saturday and Sunday to try to complete it, still have to do the top stitching on it.
I try and have my machines running when ever I am in my sewing room, doing digitising or just on the net. I also like to be close when they are going.

Hugs Yvonne

by airyfairy 14 Mar 2011

My machine is fairly old and I have to baby sit it. I do not like to do anything that takes over an hour and I am also limited to a 4x4 hoop.

by maryanns66 13 Mar 2011

I haven't spent more than 2 hours on one design, but have many larger projects I want to do...First I have to order some large cones of thread. LOL
But if it anything FSL..then I'm willing to spend the time and use the thread.

by designcrazy 13 Mar 2011

Wow! Are these items for yourself or do you sell them. You would have to charge alot for them, wouldn't you? What size and kind of machine do you do these on? I would love to see your purses and tablecloth.

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sewinhuggs by sewinhuggs 13 Mar 2011

yes and yes, these are designs that I created and stitch out for myself. My machines are a brother 2500d and a huskystar em 10 that I do my stitch outs on. As for selling my designs, I am thinking of starting a Etsy shop. just haven't did it yet. I prefer to sell the designs and not the stitch outs. It would be cheaper that way.

by michele921 13 Mar 2011

I just did a curtain for my GC's playroom, it is covered in all kinds of characters took me 3 days to do the stitching basically sewing all day and night. I have another to do but said I needed a break after doing that one LOL they did love seeing all their favorite characters on it though. worth all the time it took.

by scrappinhappie 13 Mar 2011

I babysit my machine so I have to stop and take time out then come back but when its all done it is so work the time

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sewinhuggs by sewinhuggs 13 Mar 2011

It is worth the time. I babysit my brother machine to when I am stitching out a design. I usually read a book, surf the net or am creating new designs while the machine is stitching. Even after all of these years I am still amaze at what one can create thru embroidery.

by shirlener88 13 Mar 2011

Oh my - I remember a couple that took me a whole lot of time and effort - that really were not as big as your tale cloth - because they had more stitches per piece - but it was worth it and enjoyed it very much and would do it again - if someone wanted something like that again. I have wanted to make a table cloth - but have not - do you have a piture of the finished piece and whose design was it?

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sewinhuggs by sewinhuggs 13 Mar 2011

It was one of the first designs I created a few years back and yes I do have a picture, it was posted on this site about a year ago. But I can hunt it down and put it back up.

by sewmom 13 Mar 2011

In one sitting? Or on and off? I have one I keep coming back to because I have to watch it like a hawk. It's been a few weeks now LOL
I really want to do a big fsl project but the amount of time it takes does seem daunting.

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sewinhuggs by sewinhuggs 13 Mar 2011

It is daunting until you make up your mind and say I am going to get this item stitch out. That is why I take a long break in between large fsl projects. But it feels so good once it is completed and you can pat yourself on your back for a job well done.