by i2amanana 12 Mar 2011

Can someone tell me how to find the packs and sets to download. I am a "paying" member?


by lindalee757 12 Mar 2011

OMGosh-I just took a peek at your profile-this is the 1st time I have seen a member from this close to home (for me)-I live in Massena.
As to your question-Shirlene gave you an answer-but you also know that if you click on the tool bar-the one above your avatar/welcome/flower info-you can access the different designs and packs(when available), right? Nice to meet a fellow Northern NY'er!! ~linda~

1 comment
i2amanana by i2amanana 12 Mar 2011


by shirlener88 12 Mar 2011

The packs will be either in the beginning or the end of the designs - it will say PACK on it. You dl - the same with the PACK as you would the singels. Not all of the designs come in a PACK.