by klomond 12 Mar 2011

I am a member of this site but I find it very confusing when trying to find and download full sets. I have emailed several times with questions but none have ever been answered. Please help..TIA


by rmj8939 15 Mar 2011

you have answers but welcome to site.

by tauberschmitt 15 Mar 2011

herzlich willkommen bei uns!!
Wir sind alle recht hilfsbereit und geben sobald als möglich Antwort, falls mal keine Antwort kommt hat es niemand gelesen!
Ich bekam von den Cuties zu jeder Frage immer Hilfe!
Vielen dank an alle

by klomond 15 Mar 2011

Thanks so much ladies for all the wonderful tips and advice. I am a paid member and love all the great designs. I was just hoping they were all in sets to save time when thanks again for all the replies

by noah 12 Mar 2011

I see you got some great answers but i want to add my welcome!!carolyn

by lflanders 12 Mar 2011

You must be a paying member to download all of the designs. Even then, some of the sets are not grouped together as a set(althought they are a whole set). Most all of the newest sets are grouped as a set as soon as Ms Veroniks finishes the set. The whole set is usually given away one at a time and then grouped together as a full set. If you do not have a paid membership you will not have access to the whole set, just the ones that are given as a daily free design. The membership is very reasonable and she does run a special on it several times a year. If you check the price of the sets, you will find that the prices are wonderful. There are many many singles offered within the membership fee also. NOW>>> some of the older sets are NOT grouped together and they have to be downloaded one at a time. They have never been offered as a set although they are matching designs. Ms Veronika has listened to the groups request as time has pasted and up graded her site over the years, thus, full sets offered in one download.

Welcome to the group! Spend some time and look around and read the tutorials on the left in blue print and you will learn alot about how to navigate. If you have any questions, just ask and someone usually comes along that can answer your questions. Have fun , relax and enjoy and soon you will be addicted as all of us oldies are! We love getting new members, paid or not paid! I did not not have a paid subscription for a longtime but was I ever hooked after the first time I started downloading everything in sight that I liked! New designs are offered on her sites daily and they keep getting better and better. Most of us wake up with CUTE and go to bed having just turned off of Cute! Again, have fun and enjoy and learn from some real pros! I have been doing machine embroidery since the first home embroidery machine hit the market but I learn important new things right here everyday! This is not a job for me but an expensive habit and sites like this one keep the cost down to a minium and also gives you a one on one classroom when you need help! This will become your second family after you get to feeling at ease. Linda

by sewmom 12 Mar 2011

Welcome. I think mops gave you a very good answer. I'll add some more tips for you.

Here are a few tips that were passed to another new Cutie recently:

Clicking "reply" will send the post to the top of the page.
Clicking "comment" under a reply will send the reply to the top of the post but will not send the post to the top of the page.
Experiment on this post of yours. Be sure to click submit under the box you fill out.

By the way. Flowers are for fun, saying thank you, and marking a post you read. Click the flower and it changes color. You can only give one flower to each post and you cannot give yourself one. You also get a flower for coming to Cute ever day. Your flower count will show up under your screen icon.

For more information look to the left on this page and see "tutorials". You can also use the left search engine to help find things that have been tagged.
Glad you found us....its all in time how you learn to learn each day something new...WELCOME TO THE CUTE FAMILY...I put the community page as my favorite when I click on it automatically goes here....the tabs you see are public/freebies/personal/private...

public is supposed to be for things that have to do with embroidery or sewing maybe warnings of viruses, etc....

freebies tab is where you can post freebies you have found and would like to share with can find the links to other sites here for you to go to and download (dl)...

personals is where you find or post things that aren't really for public...these are where prayer requests, illnesses, family things, personal questions go....

private (PM) is an area where just you and the other person you are in contact can see. this is done by clicking on their name it goes to another screen..there is a tab under their name that says PRIVATE clicking on it you will be directed to another link to type something for them directly...remember only that person will see it. If you receive a pm from someone, you will see a +1 number on your private tab...this will indicate either one was sent to you or someone has answered the pm you sent...

in the blue area you will see the words designs/redworks/alphabets/lace/applique and cross stitch....these are the designs that our LOVELY VERONIKA (site owner) has placed the designs in..

off to the top you see other tabs designs by cuties or (dbs) is where our talented cuties have digitized their designs and posted them for us to dl...these are free and very much appreciated..

projects is where we post the lovely creations we have made....

reviews is a tab for how we rate different products we have used or have...

bookmarks is another area (before freebie tab) where other sites are for people to see and go to.

Community is where you are now..almost always someone or many can and will answer all your you find your new family and sooooo many new we share love laughter and tears..strength and courage to go through life as it is....

If you see a posting you want to go back to, up by the poster name their is a check clicking on it, you can save it and return to it late...
you also have a tabs that are my questions/my answers/ clicking on one of these you get all the questions you have asked, or all the answers you have made, or the ones you marked by clicking on the check marks.

by mops Moderator 12 Mar 2011

With alphabets it's easy.
Click on the tab Alphabets at the top in the blue bar. Then you see a list on the left with all alphabets. Click on the one you want and you'll get a page with all the separate letters and the pack as well - usually at the bottom of the page next to the Z.
With other designs you'll just have to scroll through the pages. Again use the tabs first, i.e. designs, redwork, lace, applique and cross stitch.

by i2amanana 12 Mar 2011

I'm with you - - when I hit the tabs button I can only get to the "K". I would like to know how to download the sets and packs too!

by devon 12 Mar 2011

Welcome to cute. Someone will help.

by lindalee757 12 Mar 2011

Hi Tia-I'm not sure what you are having a problem with so I'm not sure if I can offer you any help.
You said you are a member of this site-do you mean that you have a paid membership? As for finding and downloading full sets-just click on the Designs tab-right after Free Designs- on the blue bar just above your avatar/welcome/flower spot on the screen. It will take you to the singles and sets-not all are in complete sets. Once you find what you want-scroll down to the format/download section under the pictures and Bingo-there ya go
Does that help any or just confuse you more-hope I helped ~linda~