by gansgat 28 Feb 2011

Please can some give me advise. How can I change a rar format to a pes format?


by sewdeb 28 Feb 2011

Thanks for the question, up until now, I've just avoided downloading them or chucking them if I came across one. DUH. ;-\ *4U

by jofrog2000 28 Feb 2011

I use 7zip-found through conversation here-and it's very easy to uncompress rar files. You right click on the rar file , choose 7zip on the menu, then choose where to extract it to, and delete what you don't want.

by sira 28 Feb 2011

I have found one free program to RAR files from stitchdelight - see the right flank. I have also a few rar format designs - but I haven`t downloaded myself yet! Soo I hope this is OK program! It`s in my to-do list in the future...

by fleabag 28 Feb 2011

Hi there.
You have to open the RAR file first - its a "zipped" file. You can download a free programme to open RAR files from the net... just google it. You will probably find that the PES format you are looking for is already there but just zipped for easier sending via the net.
Hope this helps.
Good Luck!