by mandyc 19 Mar 2008

Can any please give some suggestion about the thread, it seems so expensive and I don't know what's the different.


by mandyc 19 Mar 2008

Thank you !!
Thank you !!
Thank you !!
I can't believe I got so many help. Thank you all!!!

by bikermomfl 19 Mar 2008

I've gotten most of my threads on sale for 1/2 off at Joanns during their holidays sales but have been thrilled with my ebay purchases. This one lady sells huge-5000m- spools for a song and they are maderia brand which work great. I'm partial to rayon for the sheen on my quilts. type in machine embroidery on ebay and have a blast.

by lorettag28 19 Mar 2008

I have alot of different types of thread and there have been times when I just didn't know what to buy, either. Maybe we both will find a thread that works for us. HaHa. A flower for you.

by joaniessw 19 Mar 2008

I just bought a new type of thread today. It is varigated serger thread by Rainbow (by HA Kidd). I bought a spool of 1500m for jus under $8 CDN. It is shiny and smooth. I filled a bobbin with it and did a FSL (see projects) I suggest using a cone sleeve tho. I LOVE IT :)

1 comment
shirlener88 by shirlener88 19 Mar 2008

joanie, very good use of varigated serger thread - it must have given your project an old world look - will take a PEEK. *4U

by shirlener88 19 Mar 2008

mandyc, you have gotten some really good advice here and we all have threads that we use - that we love - so it really is up to the buyer and what one learns to use. One thing I know for sure, if you buy good top quality thread you will be much more satisfied with your embroidery work. Take care of your tools of the trade and they will last longer and make a much nicer item. I myself use KingStar Polyester Thread from the day I started to embroidery - some of my spools are that old and I don't have trouble with it, I do take precautions, however. Hehehe! Happy hunting. *4U

by cutiepie 19 Mar 2008

Thread is expensive, but remember that oft times you get what you pay for. Cheap thread is much more likely to break on you and just give you stress. There are several good places to find thread deals online (Long Creek Mills and Wholesale Sewing Supplies are two that I really like) and if you are careful and check out the seller (read feedback, etc) even Ebay can yield good deals (RadiantThreads is a good seller that I have purchased from before). Now, an important thing to remember with thread is that when it gets "old" it will break more. So, you need to try and keep it "fresh". Getting old is basically getting dried out. I have a friend that keeps her thread in a large cigar humidor, but most of us don't have access to such a thing. So, we make due with tight-sealing storage bins (Tupperware-type stuff) or even plastic wraps to keep the moisture in the thread. If you have thread that has gotten old, you can revive it somewhat by utilizing some sort of humidifying treatment: place it in your bathroom while you take a hot shower, have it in a small space along with an electric humidifier [cool mist works better, but hot steam works too], or even heating up a bowl of water in the microwave and then placing the thread spools around it while it cools. You don't want to "cook" your thread, because that can weaken it even further. I hope that some of this information will help someone out, even if most find it "useless". =] CutiePie - The Font of Useless Knowledge!

1 comment
jrob by jrob 19 Mar 2008

Cutie Pie, we bow to your Useless knowledge! Glad to see you stopped by.;)

by meganne 19 Mar 2008

Mandy I think the general idea is to use polyester for items needing lots of laundering and Rayon for Picture type articles. I bought my threads from and saved a lot of money. You need to sign up for the newsletter to get even cheaper prices and they even have a thread club where you join and get so many spools per month until you have the whole collection. cheers and a rose, Meganne

by raels011 19 Mar 2008

Rayon is a natural fibre but does not take kindly to bleach but is shinier. Polyester is man made and is better if you are going to wash alot. I have been told also that polyester stretches more and so can cause puckering

by marymoore 19 Mar 2008

i am new at this embroidery myself i went to EBAY just never buy designs there i hear they are a copy

marymoore by marymoore 19 Mar 2008

in the search just put embroidery thread and you can get all kinds of different i did not know till i tried them i like rayon myself but i think it is not good to use on items you wash all the time so for that info i even need a pros input lol *4u

jrob by jrob 19 Mar 2008

Actually, they just don't bleach. I have some towels that are used daily in my DH's bathroom for hand drying and they get washed weekly and after 5 years, I can't tell any difference in them. ;)