by katesnanna 23 Feb 2011

I see people mention tags. I've looked and can't seem to see this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I have 4 eyes so don't see too well!!Lol


by bettytaylor 23 Feb 2011

after you download all the designs you want go into that file and change the name, such as flower_pes to flower.pes just make sure you do not erase the file name. click the underscore(_) and make it a dot (.) otherwise your computer cannot read this file.

noah by noah 23 Feb 2011

why would you do this ??Explain more i don't get it ???

lindalee757 by lindalee757 23 Feb 2011

WHAAAAAT???? I don't get it either?? Granted,I am not a computer genius by any means,but this doesn't make any sense to me-and is this really the answer that katesnanna is looking for??? ~linda~