by raels011 16 Mar 2008

I have just been doing my backup on to CD's and my stick. It took a while but needed to be done. I hope you are all doing your backups. Hate for you to lose those precious designs


by meganne 16 Mar 2008

Good advice Raels. I have a scheduled backup of my whole PC that runs four nights a week at 11:30PM, just have to remember to leave my pc on. I have a Sharp electronic personal organiser, that i hadn't backed up in over 5 years and it recently broke and I lost 12 years of data, including all my financial details; passwords; account numbers; birthdays; phone numbers; addresses; EVERYTHING! The technician couldn't retrieve the data. I am totally lost without it as most info was stored in hidden files that i didn't store anywhere else. I worked in the software industry for 10 years so i should have known better! I'm still kicking myself for being so stupid! cheers & a rose for you for being one smart lady, Meganne

by nglover1 16 Mar 2008

I try to backup regularly I would feel terrible to lose anything. A flower for you/

by ruthie 16 Mar 2008

New answer raels, because you wouldn't find it amongst all those comments, haha. MY SOLUTION - if I go to a page and find myself signed-out, I go back to the previous page, then I go to the *Temporary Internet Files* folder on my hard-drive, and empty all the files out of it - delete them. Then when I go back to where I want to be on *Cute*, and just about every time I find I'm still signed-in. Don't know why this works, but it just does. If this works for you raels, put a shortcut to the Temporary Internet Files folder on your desktop - makes it easier to find. Hope this helps with your problem sweetie.

1 comment
raels011 by raels011 16 Mar 2008

Thanks I will try it tomorrow as I have to be up at 5 I am going to have an early night

by ruthie 16 Mar 2008

Raels, I wrote this bit so that you'd come back here and read my last comment under my answer, just incase I can help you. I thought maybe you might not return here until someone else answers your post, and that could be a while, because I think it's only you and me here at the moment, sweetie.

raels011 by raels011 16 Mar 2008

Looks a bit that way There doesn't seem to be many on at this time of night

raels011 by raels011 16 Mar 2008

When I go to log in some times it remembers me , other times I have to type in name and password aldo some time when I start to type name I get two names coming up one is raels and the other is raels011 but I can't get rid of the dirst one

raels011 by raels011 16 Mar 2008

aldo should be although

ruthie by ruthie 16 Mar 2008

Don't bother trying to get rid of the first name (raels), you obviously use that one to log into another site.

by ruthie 16 Mar 2008

Raels, I'm proud of you, well done. I do mine every day when I sort and categorise my downloads, that way I don't have to do a major backup so often, maybe once every one or two weeks when I backup *everything* on my HD. I have a good system going for my daily backups and it doesn't take much time at all. Also it means my new designs are ready to use straight away. Hugs and flowers to you sweetie.

ruthie by ruthie 16 Mar 2008

Forgot to ask raels, how's it going with your laptop, or are you still being signed-out?

raels011 by raels011 16 Mar 2008

yes It was jusr as bad so back to main comp

ruthie by ruthie 16 Mar 2008

so sorry to hear that raels. It's a real puzzle, isn't it. I was having this problem - I would sign in on the home page, then when I went to another (any other) page I would be signed out when I got there. That's different to your problem isn't it raels? If it's the same as yours, let me know because I found a solution to mine.

raels011 by raels011 16 Mar 2008

That happens but also when I change from one area on this site or if I go to answer a question I have to log in again