by dw16 28 Jan 2011

Please take a moment to remember the astronauts who perished in the Challenger explosion Jan. 28, 1986.


by ramona 28 Jan 2011

Oh yes, I remember them every time a lauch goes up. I can't believe it's been 25 years either. Watching that explosion was horrific! Tears just flowed that day. We were watching outside at work and were just totally taken back.

by dlonnahawkins 28 Jan 2011

Oh, we remember it well - my younger daughter was at school. My older daughter was at my house, for her heat quit working and she came over to stay warm. She saw it from our deck. I was at work, and could not belive it when it came across the news. It as a very sad time for all. It doesn't seem like it was 25 years ago - my younger daughter has been at the Space Center for 20 years now - and that does not seem possible either.

by sewdeb 28 Jan 2011

I remember it well, every launch since, I can't help but say a prayer for a safe voyage. *'s

by simplyrosie 28 Jan 2011

OMGosh, has it been that long.... 25 years! I remember that day very vividly. :-(

by 02kar Moderator 28 Jan 2011

I still remember where I was and what I was doing when I heard the news. I admit I have never been able to see a launch or a touch down without praying since.

by dw16 28 Jan 2011

It's hard to believe it's been 25 years.