by gg2009 21 Jan 2011

Help ... I've been trying to unzip the beautiful FleurDeLis fonts and for some reason I can't. I am able to unzip other Zipped files. Any suggestions?


by lindalee757 22 Jan 2011

I know the feeling. Last weekend I decided to start doing a sort and toss of all my downloads and files-was doing great, tried to get back into it Sunday morning and for some darned reason-I couldn't do anything either-I must have accidentally "threw out" my extraction program or something. I don't "do" computers so today I am taking it to my computer go to guy to see what dumb thing I did or didn't do and get things back to working order. Hope you have gotten yours sorted out since you posted this-and crossing my fingers that by later this afternoon mine will be too,
Yowzer,it's getting crispy out there -14F not supposed to get much above 0 today then down to
-25F degrees tonite!

1 comment
lindalee757 by lindalee757 22 Jan 2011

Yay! back on track again. Just a matter of a few clicks here and there, preference changes and add on to the start up menu- the program I needed was Windows Explorer and for some silly reason, I couldn't locate it-that is where the extraction capabilities are at-now it's right there on the start up menu for quick access and I now know where to find it if I stupidly loss it again. Thank goodness it wasn't a major snaffoo.

by kanglada 22 Jan 2011

What operating system do you have? Vista and Windows 7 allows you to click on the file and pull out the file without unzipping. Or you can right click on the zipped file and select extract

by ramona 21 Jan 2011

Is it in the right format? Just a thought. Have you tried downloading it in another format? I'm sure another Cutie will have a better answer for you. Sending you this answer to move you back to the top. Good luck!