by marleymoo 21 Jan 2011

the way like, alterations etc and if you get it all done, promise yourself an hour to indulge in your passion???


by marleymoo 22 Jan 2011

Im glad Im not the only one that does this ...LOL

by bevgrift 22 Jan 2011

My alterations and mending have gone into the never-never pile. I'm just having fun.LOL.
From Bev

by airyfairy 22 Jan 2011

I just have so many things to do. I have stackable baskets with loads of clothes (in case I get thinner) in. I must go through it all - give it to charity and then I can use the baskets for some of my materials. My daughter has asked me to make more sleep sacks for the twins, which I am putting off as I hate sewing stretch material. I also want to sew for myself this year.

by capoodle 21 Jan 2011

My mom passed away and her furnishings got moved into the basement, then my daughter was injured in an car accident (not her fault) and her apartment got moved in until she got better and moved out. Funny thing is not everything went with her when she moved out. Reorganized after her moving out and was able to get to everything again. Sadly she lost her job to the economy and back home she moved again with even more stuff. Then my son moved out of his college dorm and took some of the overflow. Have spend the last two weeks doing the donate, toss, and keep thing. The last two days decided to edit my Christmas decorations and now things look worse than when I started. My goal is to not have any more than three things stacked in plastic containers so I can actually reach. Once the snow melts and we can drive down to the basement (no not dragging everything up the stairs when we have an outside door in the basement) and get the donated and tossed stuff out then things will be better. For a break I have been mending items I come across while sorting and checking the internet. Decided not to start any new sewing until I have order again. Bit of advise is to not sort when there is a family member around. They tend to want what's in the piles you are getting rid of.

1 comment
sewfrenzie by sewfrenzie 21 Jan 2011

Oh so right, lol!

by sewfrenzie 21 Jan 2011

Yes, or I'd never get the boring stuff done! And sometimes its soooo boring it goes into the UFO drawer. Unfinished Objects, scary drawer to open. I borrowed the "UFO" name from another cute because it fits so well!

sewfrenzie by sewfrenzie 21 Jan 2011

Thanks evajungermann for the unique name of UFO drawer, lol!

marleymoo by marleymoo 22 Jan 2011

love the UFO name!!!!

by lique 21 Jan 2011

I do this all the time. I make a list of all the things I have to do and then give myself the rest of the time to do things I want to do.

1 comment
marleymoo by marleymoo 22 Jan 2011

Ditto!!! ***

by leenova54 21 Jan 2011

Sewing for me sounds like a good idea, I have given away almost everything I made in the past year!

by 02kar Moderator 21 Jan 2011

I am so far behind in my own projects, but I have decided that I am sewing and embroidering for me this year. I am determined to get some of my projects done that have been sitting for months (years). I will still make gifts when needed, but this year is dedicated to finishing projects rather than starting new ones.